Home > Forum > Known bugs > Warning: Provide Translations if you use REST Designer Studio in 2021.1.2.136

Warning: Provide Translations if you use REST Designer Studio in 2021.1.2.136 DONE


Hi everyone,

I just noticed that for some reason step names are no longer displayed in reports or data grids using internal views. The root cause of this is that I used the REST Designer Studio. When you save a process using the REST designer studio unset translation of changed objects are saved as a blank string instead of null. This may lead to empty Step and Form Type columns in reports and other objects using internal views.

If you are already affected by this you can decide whether to wait for a fix or update translates table.

update [Translates]
set TRANS_Name = null
where TRANS_Name = ''

I created a support ticket for this.
This will be fixed with an upcoming version.

Best regards,