according to the documentation: https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2024R1/Portal/Form/
"Form filling time – the total time that the users spent on editing the form"
I'm not quite sure but it is probably on the service side. If you go to the Reports in Deisgner Studio and go to the Service BPS WorkFlow, you can find there "Task info calculation".
Of course you can check the totals for forms and steps in forms in table AnalyticsElementsAggregates but it is only total values.
I follow the thread because somebody maybe has solution.
as what I checked, it can be calculated by summing the WFH_FormEditDurationToLeave column from the WFHistoryElements table.
Try to use the new analytics functionality in WEBCON BPS - described: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/data-analysis-in-webcon-bps/385/4