I have create a form rule JS that would color the cell in an itemList.
But when i move between tab panels, JS is not working anymore. On page loading/Refresh, it is fine.
Do you have any tips?
Thank you.
let itemList = #{BRP:151}#;
setTimeout(() => {
var itemListElement = document.getElementById(itemList.fld + "_" + itemList.id);
if (itemListElement) {
const provenientaElement = itemListElement.querySelector('th[data-key="#{SFLD:512}#_#{DCN:512}#"]');
if (provenientaElement) {
const textElement = provenientaElement.querySelector('.header-cell__content__text');
if (textElement) {
textElement.style.color = '#f7f7f7';
}, 300);