Home > Forum > Rules, JS, SQL > [Solved] Option to SHOW or HIDE a cell of the current row

[Solved] Option to SHOW or HIDE a cell of the current row

Dear WEBCON Team,

is there an option to only SHOW or HIDE the cell of the current row (in the specified column)?
With the Form rule in the Screenshot the whole column is affected. Same for the Mark Required / Mark Not Required Rule.

Thank you & Best Regards,
Lena Schmidbauer

In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)

Hi Lena,

hiding the cell could be achieved by setting the style of the cell.
There's a dedicated function for this.

Making a single cell as required can be defined by the edit/requireability restriction:


Best regards,

Hi Daniel,

thank you for your answer! The column requiredability/edit restriction works perfectly for each cell.

About "hiding the cell could be achieved by setting the style of the cell" I am not sure how and where to implement it.
Could you elaborate this or send an example?

Thank you & Best Regards,

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