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Dictionary and autofill based on that dictionary

Hey Webcon Community!

I have hard time finding solution so hope you can give me some hints.

I am building application for business trips. Users will have to fill out two type of data: personal data and many other information's like purpose of the trip, transport and so on.
Is it possible that users have to fill out personal information only once (first time they are using application) and in case of next usage of application personal information could be filled out automatically based on what they filled out first time.
Some data we don't have in our data bases so we can't just connect it to our data base.

Kind regards,



yes , you can achieve this by adding a default value on the attributes.
The default value can be the data from e.g. the last registered form of the given user / author

You can also create a simple dictionary for user data and, e.g. during the first registration, if there is no data for a given person, the action will add items to the dictionary and then you can use it as a default value or extend the data source with this additional source.



you can achieve this by using the default value and filling it from the last document of the same author (last seems better than first because some data may have changed over time).
Below is an example query that returns the email from the last document of the same type, same author.

The second solution is to make a users dictionary and keep this information there.

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