Home > Forum > General > [semi solved] How to add access to only Attachments from other flow with out rights to element ?

[semi solved] How to add access to only Attachments from other flow with out rights to element ?

[Webcon 2022.1.4.404]

I Have Process A [Main]
where I start sub-processes B [child]

from process B I copy attachments to process A by:
Daniel's solution
and put them to Item list A or Item list B as linked attachments (other way did not working ...)

all is fine but

in the next step I assign task to other users / group with no access to app where is done something (and attachments are added)

at the moment I did add rights to elements where are attachments and now:
- they see attachments and sub-flow elements ...

but there is any way to just add access to attachments with out access to elements?
(I changed access to crustal elements in sub flow - if user is not in particular group they do not see attributes of form but they see attachments and not crustal data)

I was just wondering there is other way to add right to attachments with out access to element ?


Hi Paweł,

this is unfortunately not possible.

We are currently creating a "technical" workflow in which we are copying the attachment. The user will gain access to the workflow and the attachment will then be displayed in the other workflow using the "related attachment" functionality.

We also tested (in 2023) whether a user could display the preview if the attachment is displayed in the "show all attachments" window but without having access to the workflow instance. This did not work.

Best regards,