[Webcon 2022.1.4.404]
I Have Process A [Main]
where I start sub-processes B [child]
from process B I copy attachments to process A by:
Daniel's solution
and put them to Item list A or Item list B as linked attachments (other way did not working ...)
all is fine but
in the next step I assign task to other users / group with no access to app where is done something (and attachments are added)
at the moment I did add rights to elements where are attachments and now:
- they see attachments and sub-flow elements ...
but there is any way to just add access to attachments with out access to elements?
(I changed access to crustal elements in sub flow - if user is not in particular group they do not see attributes of form but they see attachments and not crustal data)
I was just wondering there is other way to add right to attachments with out access to element ?