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Data connection to the attachment database

Hi, Is it possible to create a data connection to the attachment database? Databases have different names in the test and production environments.



the easiest way is to create a MSSQL data database connection and configure the Test and Production tabs.

This would be sufficient if you execute the query only against the attachment database.

In case your query needs information from the content database as well as the attachment database. You would also need a constant with the database. The name of the database would again be defined per environment.

The statement would be something along
select WFD_STPID
from WFElements join {ENV:xyz}.dbo.WFDataAttachmentFIles on WFD_ID = ATT_WFDID
where ...

This won't work with the default connection as the used bps_user account cannot execute a query against another database.

Best regards,

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