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Comparing two versions of documents - generating "redline" versions

on the website https://webcon.com/pl/resources/elektroniczny-obieg-umow/
I read that the system allows you to generate a ‘redline’ version of documents (comparing changes made from the moment the document was sent to the client to the moment the document was received back - even those changes that were not made in the change mode)

How is this done?
How do I run it in the process?

Thank you,

Dear Maciej,
I’m also interested in this topic and wanted to share some insights. To achieve this functionality, it seems you’ll need to install a Word add-in. There are two types of Word add-ins available: the classic and modern versions.
• The classic version includes the option to compare changes in Word documents. You can find more details about this functionality here: https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2025R1/AddIns/WordClassic/
• On the other hand, the modern version of the Word add-in does not offer this feature. More details are available here: https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2025R1/AddIns/WordModern/

For general information about installing and using these add-ins, you can refer to this guide WEBCON Add-Ins Documentation: https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2025R1/AddIns/

I hope this helps a bit here.

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