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Potentially misconfigured "Clear item list" action


Hi everyone,

we just figured out that there was a time, when the "Clear item list" action saved a faulty configuration. The issue is, that the id of the selected item list was saved (1) without using the variable syntax (2).
In turn the integer value wasn't replaced during the import and the execution of the action will fail, if the integer values are not the same on both systems. In the worst case the value does exist for item list on both systems but for different ones.

You can use the below query to get all actions which have a faulty configuration.

Best regards,

ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( order by actionDefinition.ACT_ID asc) as RowNumber
, actionProcess.DEF_Name as ActionProcess
, automationProcess.DEF_Name as AutomationProcess
, WF_Name
, STP_Name
, PATH_Name
, PLU_Name
, actionDefinitionAutomation.AUTM_Name
, actionDefinition.[ACT_ID]
, DicActionKinds.EnglishName ActionKind
, DicActionTypes.ObjectName ActionType
, actionDefinition.[ACT_Name] actionName
, actionDefinition.ACT_Description actionDescription
, actionDefinition.ACT_Configuration actionConfiguration
, templateAction.ACT_ID templateId
, templateAction.[ACT_Name] templateName
, templateAction.ACT_Description templateDescription
, templateAction.ACT_Configuration templateConfiguration
FROM [dbo].[WFActions] as actionDefinition
left join WFDefinitions as actionProcess on DEF_ID = ACT_DEFID
join DicActionKinds on ACT_ActionKindID = DicActionKinds.TypeID
join DicActionTypes on ACT_ActionTypeID = DicActionTypes.TypeID
left join WorkFlows on ACT_WFID = WF_ID
left join WFSteps on ACT_STPID = STP_ID
left join WFAvaiblePaths on ACT_PATHID = PATH_ID
left join WFPlugIns on PLU_ID = ACT_PLUID
left join Automations as actionDefinitionAutomation on actionDefinition.ACT_AUTMID = actionDefinitionAutomation.AUTM_ID
left join [WFActions] as templateAction on templateAction.ACT_ID = actionDefinition.ACT_ACTID
left join WFDefinitions as automationProcess on actionDefinitionAutomation.AUTM_DEFID = automationProcess.DEF_ID
where actionDefinition.ACT_Configuration not like '%subelementID>#%'
and actionDefinition.ACT_ActionKindID = 102

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