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Autocomplete field error even when deactivating validation

As the title states, there are some autocomplete fields(with values in them that cannot be found) i have that prevent me from moving to the next step(in one case i would maybe like to "cancel" the subworkflow/return with negative). I tried to deactivate the form field validation on the paths, however the error still occurs.


In general, Autocomplete fields allow you to select a value that is defined in the source, otherwise you will get a mismatch error.
You can change the attribute configuration and add an option to add a value from outside the source, then you must select this trim and enter this value.

You can also try to uncheck the input validation option in the attribute configuration.


In reply to: Krystian Golik

Hi! Could you share a screenshot of the error? It might be caused by the parent workflow also filling in something, or the field requirement being set without a condition. You could also try disabling validation on the attribute paths and see if canceling the process works.

I want the validation of the autocomple to work(is needed for when i want to save the values).
But i dont want to have this errors appear when the user "cancels" (returns to the parent workflow, closes this subworkflow without saving/doing anything)the workflow.

In reply to: Almin

I want the validation of the autocomple to work(is needed for when i want to save the values).
But i dont want to have this errors appear when the user "cancels" (returns to the parent workflow, closes this subworkflow without saving/doing anything)the workflow.

The presented error is caused by filling the dropdown field with only the value "Auto." In WEBCON, dropdown fields require the format ID#Name. For example, if the default value finds more than one name for the word "AUTO," it cannot match the value. Try passing not just "AUTO" but the format ID#Name, meaning you should also match the ID for the word "AUTO" as used in this dictionary.

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