Home > Forum > General > [solved] How to configure "Wait for sub-workflows" to wait for all subwork flows.

[solved] How to configure "Wait for sub-workflows" to wait for all subwork flows.


I have small problem.

I have main work flow where process starts few subworks flows,
and it "park" in "wait for all subwork flows" step.

In basic setup I have only 3 options:
No subworkflows,
All subworkflows finished positive,
Any subworkflow finished negative.

In my scenario I will have very often negative steps

Solution 1
option to solve all path put to positive step and use wait for all positive and forget about problem

Solution 2
set sql query where it will wait for all subflows doesn't matter positive / negative and if all will finish then will go by 1 path common for all results.

I did sql QUERY:

e.WFD_ID as 'ID elementu',
e.WFD_STPID as 'ID kroku',
s.STP_Name as 'Nazwa kroku',
e.WFD_WFDID as 'ID rodzica',
CONVERT(date, e.WFD_TSInsert) as 'data utworzenia',
CONVERT(date, e.WFD_TSUpdate) as 'data aktualizacji',
e.WFD_IsFinish as '(Boolen) Czy ukończył bieg',
e.WFD_IsDeleted as '(Boolen) czy skasowany',
CONVERT(date, e.WFD_FinishDate) as 'Data ukończenia', -- zadania
e.WFD_Signature as 'Sygnatura zadania'
WFElements e
(e.WFD_STPID <> '{ST:370}' OR e.WFD_STPID <> '{ST:371}' OR e.WFD_STPID <> '{ST:372}')
AND e.WFD_IsFinish = 0

I have results ... but error - no path .. how to with that or other query set path in advance settings ... webcon help is not mention about that scenario ... or how to configure that in proper way.

In reply to: Michal Ciesiolkiewicz

Hey, look for the article: https://kb.webcon.pl/zaawansowana-obsluga-podobiegow/ (in polish, i guess you are from Poland too ;) )
If information in this article is not enough for you - let us know :)

I miss this article ...

any way ... I fixed my end steps to all positive ....
and I used basic option
unfortunately I don't have enough time to play with this :< (maybe later)
but thank you for direction.
I will in free time play with it.


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