Is there a feature in webcon for creating folders and storing files? If there is, I would like to know how to achieve this.
Or is it better to leverage the use of SharePoint as a datasource.
Is there a feature in webcon for creating folders and storing files? If there is, I would like to know how to achieve this.
Or is it better to leverage the use of SharePoint as a datasource.
You can use Powershell
By default webcon stores files directly in the database, and there are no actions which handle file/folder operatons on hard/network drives.
There is possibility to integrate with Sharepoint as you mentioned, and with OneDrive*.
Bartosz have already mentioned the use of PowerShell - but this option is not viable for SaaS users.
* OneDrive - https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/working-with-onedrive-files/341/3
I would also suggest you to look at Graphi API from Microsoft.
With this API you can do all kind of stuff with files/folders in Microsoft Cloud. Much more than what Webcon uses it for.