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Q: How to open a link in a DATA TABLE in the same window ?


Hi there,

while starting a new instance, i am giving the users the ability to make a save for the moment (caching all inputs so far), so they could finish the instance later.

If the user wants to start that instance again, all input fields are invisible and a DATA TABLE shows the already started instance including LINKS to that instance.

I would like to have that links opened in the existing window, but i dont find a working way to configure that. Every time a new windows is opened.

Anyone an idea ?

Thanks in advance,
Bjoern Poller

In reply to: Sebastian Gębuś

You can link in a table like this - 'link:/db/1/app/89/element/' + CAST(WFD_ID as varchar(12)) + ';displayname:' +WFD_Signature as Link'
It should open in the same window, unless you add a ';target:_blank' parameter :)


a clarification why I posted the html variant:

I didn't test the "old" style. I only tested the "new" OpenElement function which also opens the link in another window/tab. Maybe it's some kind of browser setting which controls this. Otherwise I don't see a reason for OpenElementInNewWindow :)
Since OpenElement doesn't work I assumed that this would also be true for the old "link" syntax.

Best regards,