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Item List - Row locking

Is there a way to lock a specific item row for a list item at specific steps?
I have a 4 row "table" and I need to make sure each row can only be edited in it's respective "phase" (step)


Hi Bo,

based on your description you populate the table at the beginning and there's no need for manually adding/deleting rows. If this is the case the 'Column edit restriction' is all you need.

The following numbers refer to the attached picture also some other information are used for a similar effect.
Create a (technical) field in which you store the step Id corresponding to each row (1)
For each column in the item list (2) add a 'Column edit restriction" (3) StepIdField = StepId.
This will check for each row whether the cell should be editable or not (4).

The columns are marked as 'editable' in the field matrix. The green box has neither a checkmark nor a dot. :)

Best regards,

In reply to: Bo Jamison

Daniel K,

You good sir ROCK! That worked perfectly! Thanks!

Hi Bo,

thanks, I'm glad it worked. :)
Who really rocks though, are the heroes behind BPS who made it possible to achieve such thinks so easy.
I've posted another example in the LinkedIn Group 'WEBCON SUPERHEROES'

Where an item list is populated on the fly with a combination of 'Item list initialization', form rules and business rules.

They have my deepest respect.

Best regards,