In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)
I don't see the use case. Before you are introducing something "dangerous" just export the application.
If there's a problem restore it. This isn't a problem as long as you haven't introduced a change which would require data to be deleted. But this is would apply to your suggestion, too.
If you would have separate systems, or at least databases, for each environment you could rely on the automatically created backups, which are created before importing a process. These are available in the context menu on the process element.
Kind regards,
Here is the use case:
Now you have to export the app. Sure it's easy, but takes time. Many, many clicks. And you have to save the file. So, every version needs separate file. You have to manage the files. And importing the file is even more clicks.
With varsioning, you just press the back button, when:
Your formula stops working after few changes
You change your mind
The browser goes white and nothing works
Also, versioning would help with documenting the app/process.
The same way you guys document the BPS versions and log the changes.
I would like to have app/process versions, so I could document app/process changes for the users.
Instant change is great, but there is no version controll over it, so with many instant changes made by many admins there is often a mess.