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BPSAuth service information needed


Hi everyone,

I wanted to play with the BPSAuth Service and I have realized that I don't know how to use it and the community.webcon.com and howto.webcon.com websites don't mention much about it (Almost no information about configuring it or handling BPS users).

Does anyone have any article abut it?

It would be useful to know how to get the clientId and secret and how to manage BPS Users passwords.



Hi Razvan

If you want to use WEBCON BPS Auth service to authenticate users just register your installation on the page: https://auth.webconbps.com/ and you will recieve (via email) a client ID/Client Secret for your installation.

The WEBCON BPS Auth service can be used as an authentication (not authorization) service, so the service itself do not provide users synchronization.

You have to create users in the Designer Studio -> Users list. You can do it manually, import from Excel file, create users using public API or by dedicated WEBCON BPS Process.

In reply to: Razvan Ogrezeanu - ENCORSA Romania

Thanks a lot! I will blame the search and the lack of inspiration when it comes to keywords. :P

Hi Razvan,

I only added these for information regarding Authorization/Authentication and an explanation of how to add BPS Users.

They don't mention the BPS Auth Service at all. So everything is fine. :)

Best regards,