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Report options / printing & exporting

Some of our departments still live in the stone age. They want to be able to print webcon reports OR export them to an Excel so they can run pivots, etc... on the data. I don't see anyway to allow for either of these options. Once again I'm wondering if I'm missing something. Seems like printing/exporting would be fairly well received options


Hi Bo,

I see two options for this:

1) You can retrieve the report data in excel using the REST API. I once tried this here:
I got stuck transforming the result though. Maybe you have someone who knows Power query to get this to work. In addition you would need to execute the request multiple times if you have more than 1000 rows.

2) Direct access to the SQL server to retrieve the data in Excel. Of course this has drawbacks like, security, parsing of picker fields and so one but you can work around them. For example creating creating new views and granting access to them. Maybe they can be moved to another database all together.

If they don't need realtime access you could periodically store the data as a CSV file. This could be a starting point:
The biggest difference would be, that you don't send mails but create CSV files.

Best regards,


Hi Bo
You can add an "export to Excel" button on any WEBCON BPS report view.

Go to the report configuration -> Views Tab -> Miscellaneous Section.


Do not add the export to Excel button on the "unfiltered" reports eg. "All elements". Export works on the server-side as an IIS thread so it can consume all server memory when the report contains the hudge number (millions) of records. You (your users) can kill the WEBCON BPS Portal frontend.

Always prepare View (eg. 30 last days etc..) first and then add the Export button on such a view only. It is very important.

So we can export the report to Excel, but I agree with Daniel. There are several better methods to export huge reports.

I prefer Reporting Service with subscriptions - users can get an Excel file every morning.

Ah I never saw that option there and I thought I had looked just last week! I'll do that in this case, the user is recreating contracts in our new WebCon app from old Lotus Notes and she wanted an easier way to compare and see what may have been missed.

Though the sql reporting services may be an option for other future apps, this one is not going to be a regular thing.

Thanks for the input!