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Form rules at path params stopped working CLOSED

After upgrading to most recent version 2021.1.3.205, a simple form rule definded at path parameters stopped working (the rule on the attached screen). If I change the rule just to CONFIRM['Something'] (without the IF), then it works, but with the IF it does not. It used to work in 2021.1.1.53. Anyone experiencing such an issue?

In reply to: Michał Ludwiczak

Thanks Andeia, your solution works! :) :) :)

Hi Michał,

In previous versions, the condition for a business rule that was not defined (in this case, the 'ELSE' condition), was treated as a 'TRUE' value, this was a bug that has been fixed and now, if the user does not define a value for such a rule, it is treated as a 'FALSE' value. This change applies to all business rules in the system (not just the IF/ELSE condition).
