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Check Users defined in Business Rules

Hi all,

I'm implementing an application for user management taking the guide done by Webcon: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/checking-user-and-group-privileges/258/3

So far, I'm able to check Applications and Processes privileges but when it comes to the Business Rules, I get an error for the column they use as Users (users . BRD_Users) :

select users . BRD_ID
, isnull ( DEF_Name, '<Global>' ) as DEF_Name
, usage. BRD_Name
, usage. BRD_Documentation
from WFBusinessRuleDefinitions as users
join WFBusinessRuleDefinitions as usage on usage . BRD_ID = users . BRD_BRDID
left join WFDefinitions on DEF_ID = usage . BRD_DEFID
where dbo . ClearWFElemIDAdv ( users . BRD_Users ) like '% {formFieldID}%'
and users. BRD_ReturnedValueType = 5
and users. BRD_IsLocal = 1

If I comment all those where conditions, I don't have any value for the User part neither in the WFBusinessRuleDefinitions in the column people (which I'm assuming that is the one saving the user info).

Does anyone tried to configure something like this?

Thank you


Hi Andreia,

there`s a little error in the provided statement. The correct column name is BRD_People.
select users.BRD_ID
, isnull ( DEF_Name, '<Global>' ) as DEF_Name
, usage.BRD_Name
, usage.BRD_Documentation
from WFBusinessRuleDefinitions as users
join WFBusinessRuleDefinitions as usage on usage.BRD_ID = users.BRD_BRDID
left join WFDefinitions on DEF_ID = usage.BRD_DEFID
where dbo.ClearWFElemIDAdv(users.BRD_People ) like '%upn@example.com%'
and users.BRD_ReturnedValueType = 5
and users.BRD_IsLocal = 1

You only need to change the like value: '%upn@example.com%'

At least it returns a row in my case. I'm not a fan of the Users function. :)

Best regards,