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Car Fleet Management

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Works with latest WEBCON BPS version


You can use the Car Fleet Management application to create a list of available cars in the organization and describe them with parameters. In addition, it contains the workflow used to manage the process of renting cars by employees.

Workflows & Processes

The Car Fleet Management application is built from two processes:

  • Car Management – the main process in the application. To register a new car, an employee completes basic information such as a plate number, brand, model, etc. In the “Car Fleet Manager” field it defines a person who is responsible for car management and considers all rental requests.

In the [Service  & Insurance] section, enter the next technical inspection date, current mileage [km] and insurance validity date.

After completing information, the workflow goes to the next “Car Management” step which enables:

> Moving a car for rent – the “Make Car available” step

> Withdrawing a car from use, e.g. its destruction or termination of use

> Moving a car to the service step


All operations related to car management are performed by a pre-defined person.

  • Use Registry – this is the second process in the application used to request a car rental. An employee selects a vehicle from the list, specifies a start date of use, and then the responsible manager receives the task. After approval, the request moves to the “Car in use” step and is assigned to the author (the “Driver” field). To return the car, the employee uses the “Use of car finished” button.


To return the car an employee has to complete two additional fields: Condition of the car and Final car mileage [km].

When the employee returns the car, the current mileage is automatically completed (on the car card) and the car returns to the “Car available for rent” step.


Actors & Roles 

  • Administration employee - a person who manages the car fleet in the organization. Defines all cars in the application, completes information, and has access to multiple reports.
  • Car Fleet Manager -  a person responsible for car management, consider car rental requests for a short-term period of time
  • Employee – a person who wants to rent a car for a short or long-term period of time



Analysis & Reports

  • Applications - a report displaying all car rental requests (along with their current status, assigned people, and employees).
  • Car in registry – a number of registered cars, their current availability, and basic information (the “Status field informs which car is currently available for rent).

  • My car information – a report displaying which car (or cars) is assigned to the currently logged-in user along with basic information about its rental.
  • Next vehicle inspection – a list of cars sorted by date of the next technical inspection.



  • User dashboard – an employee dashboard that allows you to quickly submit another request, also shows the currently rented cars and the history of all requests.
  • Car Management – a panel for a person managing the cars - shows active tasks, dates of the next technical inspection and allows to quickly define another car.


FAQ & Additional tidbits

How does the column definition on the “Cars in registry” look like?
In the report definition an “Indicator” type calculated column was used, which allows you to assign one of three colors depending on the value: 2 (green), 1 (yellow), and 0 (red). In our case, we have used the ID values of the “Car Fleet management” workflow step. For ID value of the “Car available for rent” step was assigned the green color, for the “Car management” step – yellow, and the rest of the steps were received the red color. 
To check the ID value of a step in a given process, open the step definition in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio and check the assigned numbers in the database.

The formula looks like:





How is the current car mileage saved in the “Car Fleet Management” workflow?
Because in the application we have defined two processes, the “Update related workflow instance” action has been used. The configuration consists of two steps - in the first tab, in the Element selection mode field select the Form field value option. Then indicate our application and specify which field is the instance identifier (in our case this is the Available Car field).

In the “Date” tab, specify which field (from the process indicated earlier) and to what value, we will update.

Drag the “Final car mileage [km]” column from the right side and save the action definition.