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Business applications

Advances is an application used to support the process of issuing and settling advance payments for employees. A request for an advance is registered by an employee, it is then evaluated by their direct superior, and by a member of the accounting department after that. Once the request receives both approvals and the advance payment is issued, it is then settled and must again be approved by the supervisor and accounting department.
Car Fleet Management
You can use the Car Fleet Management application to create a list of available cars in the organization and describe them with parameters. In addition, it contains the workflow used to manage the process of renting cars by employees.
Expense report
Expense report is an application designed to help evaluate and approve various expenses requested by employees.
The Investments application is used to create investment requests. Allows the registration of investment costs and their approval and also contains a list of vendors.
Invoice processing
Invoice Processing is a simple application whose purpose is pretty self-explanatory.
Leave of Absence
The Leave of Absence application is used to request vacation days or to notify your employer about absences/sick leave.
Marketing Orders
The Marketing orders application is used to submit orders for marketing materials (leaflets, folders, gadgets) and track their realization.
The application is used to organize the onboarding process of a new employee. It contains a list of tasks – completing all tasks end the onboarding process.
Press Releases
Press Releases is an application used to efficiently oversee the creation and publication of various text documents.
Sales Activities
The Sales activities application creates a central client database. Allows to register new clients and review the existing ones.
Travel Request
The Travel request application is used to request approval for a business trip.