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Sales Activities

Download Available only for registered users

Works with latest WEBCON BPS version


The Sales activities application creates a central client database. Allows to register new clients and review the existing ones. On the customer card, you can put all activities as notes with meetings and phone calls.

Process & Workflows

The Sales activity application is built from three processes:

  • Activity – the basic process of the application used to register any contact (any activities) with a client. After selecting a client from a list you can mark the type of activity and complete the rest of fields. To save notes, click the Complete button (if you want to save only draft click the Save draft button).

If the date of the activity is different than today, the system will register this activity as planned. On the activities list, the user can make notes from the meeting, canceled a planned meeting or change its date.



All planned meetings can also be viewed in the Activities list by selecting the Planned view.

  • Clients – workflow used to register a new client. The required fields in this simple form are: Short name, Full name, VAT ID number and address data. During registration, you can also complete an industry, phone number and contact person.

The saved client is in the Active step in the process. By entering its card you can quickly check recent activity, contact persons, notes or attachments.


  • Persons – enables adding more contact persons to the client. After selecting a client from the list you must complete the required fields: First name, Last name and e-mail address. In addition, you can check for example the date of consent to receive a newsletter.


Main workflow diagram


Actors & Roles

  • Client account manager/Sales person – the basic role in the application, a person who registers clients and completes contact details and sales activity.


Analysis & Reports

With the application we have three basic reports:

  • Activities – a list of all saved client activities
  • Clients – a list of all registered clients
  • Persons – displays a list of all saved persons


FAQ & Additional tidbits

How can I remove a person from the list?
After opening a client’s card just click the “Mark as active” button.

How is the path available on the activity registration hidden?
Depending on the Data of activity field value, the form rule hides or shows all available paths. In the rule definition in the Usages path you can check when the rule is activated. In our case, the rule runs when the value of the Date of activity field changes and appears as a global form template.

Why the form rules are activated also as the global form template?
When we hide or show information, depending on the form field value change, the rule receives this value only our interaction with the form. For the rules to run when the form is open (when the page loads), we must use this rule.