The Expense report application is divided into two processes:
- Expense report – contains the main Expense approval workflow which is used for evaluating and approving expenses. The submitter creates a new request form, fills it out in the Registration step and submits it to their superior. The superior will then evaluate the request (Manager Approval), and if the request exceeds the defined limit (Expense limit), it will also need (or not) to be approved by the designated financial dept. member (CFO Approval). This user is set by using the CFO Approvers workflow.
- Dictionaries containing two dictionary workflows:
- CFO Approvers – used for designating a person from the financial department, who will be tasked with approving requests above a certain threshold (defined by the process constant: Expense limit)
- Expense types – used to define a list of possible expense categories that can be selected by the submitter

Once the application is imported, three dedicated buttons will be available on the application’s Portal site.
They are used for launching the workflows mentioned above: CFO Approvers and Expense types to add an instance to the dictionary, and Expense approval to start an instance of the main workflow.
The application page will also provide links to various reports that help track progress, as well as the Expense reports dashboard which compiles information from various report views and can also we used to start workflow instances.