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Works with latest WEBCON BPS version


The application is used to organize the onboarding process of a new employee. It contains a list of tasks – completing all tasks end the onboarding process.


The Onboarding application is built from two processes:

  • Checklists – the process is used to define the basic tasks in the department, which takes part in the onboarding process of a new employee. After selecting the department and completing a short description, you can create a list of tasks.
  • Onboarding – the main process in the application defining all onboarding plan of a new employee. A person from the HR department completes basic data of the employee, enters the start date, and then templates are sent to the superior. The manager can delete selected tasks and add new ones, then approve the onboarding process. The task returns to the HR department, which completes employee ID, e-mail address and phone number.

After checking the start date, the process moves to the “Onboarding in progress” step. An employee receives a list of tasks and after completing all of them, the process is finished.


Main workflow diagram

Actors & Roles

  • HR Department employee – completes the basic employee data, defines the start date and then, after the onboarding approval by the superior, completes employee ID, e-mail address and phone number.
  • Manager (superior) – verifies the onboarding plan, receives a task on the “Onboarding in progress” step.
  • Responsible people in departments – people who define the onboarding tasks in departments


Analysis & Reports 

  • All onboarding items - the report showing all instances (?) in the process, it contains a few useful views:
  • Planned – upcoming onboarding processes (in the next month)
  • In progress – currently ongoing onboarding processes
  • All – all onboarding processes
  • Active checklist by department – containing all of the control lists defined in a given department


FAQ & Additional tidbits

How can I copy data from multiple control lists to one (Onboarding checklist)?

To realize this task, an advanced configuration of the “Item list” form field was used. On the Initialization tab “Use query to initialize” is indicated as an initiation type. Below there is a SQL query that returns all tasks defined of all checklists in the Active step. For the configuration to work, you need to have a defined ID column and indicate the assignment of value to the columns in the item list.


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