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Press Releases

Download Available only for registered users

Works with latest WEBCON BPS version


Press Releases is an application used to efficiently oversee the creation and publication of various text documents.

The Press Releases application operates based on two workflows:

  • Reviewers & Publisher is a Dictionary workflow that is used to define a team responsible for approving an article for printing. The team includes people responsible for correcting the text (Proofreader Reviewer), approving the final draft (Managerial Reviewer), checking for any legal issues (Legal Reviewer), and finally publishing the document (Publisher).
    Each of these roles can have a group of people assigned to it. The dictionary can contain multiple definitions of such teams, but only one can be active at any given moment.
  • Press Release Review is the main workflow of this application, found in the Press ReleasesManagement It is used to monitor the entire lifecycle of a document – starting from the moment an author is selected and begins work, continuing through the entire editing and approval process, and finally culminating with the document being published. The people who are responsible for each step of the workflow are selected based on the current active team defined in the Reviewers & Publisher dictionary workflow. Team members communicate via the comment box, which is available on every step of the workflow.

Once the application is imported, two buttons will be available on the application’s Portal site. They are used for launching the workflows mentioned above: Add Reviewers to add an instance to the dictionary, and New Press Release Review to start an instance of the main workflow. The application page will also provide links to various reports that help track progress, as well as the Press Releases dashboard which compiles information from various report views and can also we used to start workflow instances.

The presented application can be used as-is, or adjusted to meet its owner’s needs. Feel free to experiment and modify this application to adhere to your own scenarios.