Html5 introduced the min/max attributes, which allows us to set a range of allowed values. In addition to these. There is also a step attribute to only allow certain steps in between the range. You can then increase/decrease the value by using the arrow up/down keys.
This can be achieved by the following steps:
window.nxWebcon = window.nxWebcon || {};
nxWebcon.integerRange = nxWebcon.integerRange || {};
nxWebcon.integerRange.initialize = function(formFieldName, min, max, step) {
let selector = "#" + formFieldName.replace("WFD_","") + " input";
let integerInput = $(selector);
nxWebcon.integerRange.addAttributeIfNotNull(integerInput, "min", min);
nxWebcon.integerRange.addAttributeIfNotNull(integerInput, "max", max);
nxWebcon.integerRange.addAttributeIfNotNull(integerInput, "step", step);
integerInput.attr("type", "number");
integerInput.attr("oninput", "nxWebcon.integerRange.processChanges(this)");
nxWebcon.integerRange.addAttributeIfNotNull = function(integerInput, attributeName, value){
if (value != null)
integerInput.attr(attributeName, value);
nxWebcon.integerRange.maxLengthCheck = function(object) {
let integerRange = new IntergerRange(object);
object.value = integerRange.getValue();
nxWebcon.integerRange.debounce = function(func, timeout = 300){
var timer;
return (...args) => {
timer = setTimeout(() => { func.apply(this, args); }, timeout);
nxWebcon.integerRange.processChanges = nxWebcon.integerRange.debounce((elem) => nxWebcon.integerRange.maxLengthCheck(elem));
class IntergerRange {
this.value = parseInt(elem.value);
this.min = parseInt(elem.min);
this.max = parseInt(elem.max);
this.step = parseInt(elem.step);
this.value = this.value < this.min ? this.min : (this.value > this.max ? this.max : this.value);
if (!isNaN(this.step)) {
this.value = Math.round(this.value/this.step)*this.step;
return this.value;
On your form, add a Html field and add the following lines as Html content. Check the "Show different HTML content in readonly" and leave the content blank
When initializing the field, min/max and step attributes are set if not null.
The script allows you to enter a value manually that is then rounded up to the next possible value.
Which is a much better user experience than the built-in error message:
Did not try, but you should be able to use the script for Decimal fields too.
Have fun.