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Rules, JS, SQL

This post provides a solution to extracting the latest comments in the standard "Comment" field on the form.

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This article describes the rules for configuring Task delegation substitutions, taking into account user privileges in the context of multiple databases, as well as the roles of WEBCON BPS Workflow Service and global system settings.

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Form rules, as the name suggests, are rules that define the behavior and appearance of form elements. When working with form rules, there may be a situation where execution of one function or subrule interrupts execution of the entire rule. Consequently, the rest of the rule is not executed. This article provides a detailed description of the reasons for this behavior and a proposal for creating rules so that they work as intended by their author.

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Configuration of processes in WEBCON BPS indispensably involves the creation of rules, be it a business rule or a form rule. To optimize the work, it is a good idea to use the keyboard shortcuts available in WEBCON BPS and the keys provided by the operating system. This article describes how to use the keyboard when creating rules.

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Setting the requiredness of form fields (or item list columns) depending on changes in values made in other fields is one of the most frequently used functionality of the WEBCON BPS system. In the previous version of the system, such a configuration required the developer to perform configuration activities in several system places. From version 2021.1.4.36, new built-in functions have been enhanced to WEBCON BPS. These functions are used to set the requiredness of fields on the form. They allow you to configure the form in terms of dynamic setting mandatory fields to be completed.

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Form rules for attachments in WEBCON BPS allow you to receive information about attachments added to the workflow instances, without the need to know the WFDataAttachments table structure and to use SQL queries. Form rules operating on attachments increase the wide range of form rules available for use in WEBCON BPS and allow for easier retrieval of information about attachments from the form level, without the need to know the WFDataAttachmets table, which stores information about attachments. Rules will be presented using the “Change value of single field” action which has been configured for each rule separately.

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WEBCON BPS 2021 introduces the new SELECT VALUES function that allows you to retrieve data from a selected item list column. This function enables saving data from all rows of a given column in a form field indicated in the configuration. Data are saved as a collection separated by semicolons. The function ignores empty values. In this article, we will copy values from the item list to the “Approvers to notify” form field. In this field, we select people who will receive a notification about an instance to be approved.

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In the 2021 WEBCON BPS version, business rules were added that make it easier to work with item lists and allow you to color and dynamic style modification of the selected cells. The coloring of the item lists is shown on the example of a process for handling orders in a restaurant. The process has two form fields – Total number of orders and Orders – delivered, and one item list – Orders (that contains all orders). For each order, the Status field is set that informs the employee about the current status of the order.

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In WEBCON BPS 2021, the form rules have been enhanced with new functions operating on text such as: CONCAT - combines two or more text strings into one text, SPLIT - splits the provided text into parts, according to a specified separator. The function returns strings separated by the semicolons ‘;’ (default separator). If no separator is found in the provided text, the function will result in one line of text, and INDEX OF – searches the provided text and returns the position where the specified string first occurs. Searching will start from the indicated position; the position of the first character is 1.
This article presents the configuration and operation of the above-mentioned functions on the form created for this purpose.

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Nesting business rules in the form rules allow you to refer to data contained in Active Directory or external data sources. This extends the functionality of form rules and allows you to use data outside the form when defining the process logic. By using the business rules, you can create a condition that defines a certain group of users for which the form rule should be executed. By using the function in the “Users” section, you can enter a list of users or groups from Active Directory or defined BPS groups.

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