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Rules, JS, SQL

In WEBCON BPS 2021, the form rules have been enhanced with new functions operating on text such as: CONCAT - combines two or more text strings into one text, SPLIT - splits the provided text into parts, according to a specified separator. The function returns strings separated by the semicolons ‘;’ (default separator). If no separator is found in the provided text, the function will result in one line of text, and INDEX OF – searches the provided text and returns the position where the specified string first occurs. Searching will start from the indicated position; the position of the first character is 1.
This article presents the configuration and operation of the above-mentioned functions on the form created for this purpose.

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Nesting business rules in the form rules allow you to refer to data contained in Active Directory or external data sources. This extends the functionality of form rules and allows you to use data outside the form when defining the process logic. By using the business rules, you can create a condition that defines a certain group of users for which the form rule should be executed. By using the function in the “Users” section, you can enter a list of users or groups from Active Directory or defined BPS groups.

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