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Aleš Jurak


Hi, I believe id is integer number in sharepoint library. It starts with 1. On attached picture you are showing document id Value. You should enable id in the view to test this. When creating element in a list you can write back id to webcon form. Unfotrunatley webcon does not support this on a l

Invoke Soap Service
21.03.2022 08:18

Hi, I have submitted the log into the support system. Best regards Aleš

Invoke Soap Service
21.03.2022 08:07

@Pawel - I am talking about invoking a SOAP web service action, which should still be supported – at least, I have not found anything in the documentation that would state otherwise. Best regards Aleš

Invoke Soap Service
20.03.2022 22:32

Hi, has anyone encountered problems with Invoke Sopar service action after upgrading to version 2022.1..1.53? We forgot to test the functionality immediately after the upgrade (due to some issues with the license) so rollback is not an option…. We are gathering data from the national registry of

Word add-in formatting
30.09.2021 19:04

Might this be connected with the implementation of the following functionality: Added the ability to send and display unformatted text (without HTML tags) entered in the ‘Multiple lines of text’ form field e.g. in the case of sending e-mail notifications and generating Word and Excel files. BR

Hello We noticed the same issue, but only when adding an attachment via Sharepoint webpart. When adding attachment via webcon portal there was no problem adding an attachment. We use standalone version. Aleš

Word add-in formatting
20.09.2021 21:43

Hello, has anyone stumbled upon a problem with the formatting of numbers in Word templates after the upgrade to version 2021.1.4.36. I was using formatting of numbers with thousand separators, which worked fine with version 2021.1.2.101, but after the upgrade, instead of numbers, the field name is

We have the same problem, it appeared after database migration from one SQL server to another. Best Regards Aleš

Using WebDav
17.04.2021 05:13

Daniel, hi, The actual culprit was Malwarebytes for Windows that was installed on two hp laptops by default. When I disabled the antinalware, editing started to work. Best regards Aleš

Using WebDav
10.04.2021 01:20

Hi, we have a similar problem, however with the same permission settings in Webcon, on some computers (or user profiles) editing is possible directly through WebDAV, but on other computers (user profiles), when clicking on the document, the docs get downloaded instead of opened in word or excel. An

Soap Action - limitation
24.03.2021 00:24

Si if I have a 13 level xml response, the only way is a custom action. BR Aleš

Soap Action - limitation
17.03.2021 23:54

Hi, I am trying to connect to SOAP Webservice that has a structure with more than the allowed dept level (10). I tried to find the configuration for this setting, without any success. Has anyone else stumbled upon this issue?

Add Chart to Word template
17.03.2021 15:40

Hi, This works. I only needed to add for "SEL_Chart_2689" additional text as "SEL_Chart_2689-chart-placeholder". Thank you for the solution. Best regards Aleš

Add Chart to Word template
16.03.2021 23:59

Sebastian, thank you. I have already tried this but with no luck, so I thought I was doing sth wrong in this regard. I get syntax error and will explore where I am wrong. If I understand correctly you were able to implement this? Best regards Aleš

Add Chart to Word template
15.03.2021 23:56

Hi, On the form, I am using the Chart data field. I am wondering whether it is possible to use the chart field in the Word printout report. Is there an alternative way to draw a chart based on the form data in the report? Maybe in HTML report. I was also thinking to put chart into the Picture fiel

Hi Daniel and Iulian, I have the same issue after the upgrade. Instead of full Json response I get this as the response body. Best regards, Aleš

Second picture

Hi George If I understand the question correctly, I used the approach where I created a data source that contains the item list values (please see picture - data source) and then configured the action as on picture in the next post. Best regards Aleš

Thank you all for clarifying this. Probably I will try to include the data presentation table directly in the report. If that won0t work, I will use the move workflow action. Best regards Aleš

Hi Daniel, We were exploring this option as well, but in the end, we decided to go with a separate database. A clear structure for reporting and integration with other applications. The MDM shall be used also as BDC/BCS in Sharepoint. Probably it could be done with views as well. Thanks for point