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Arno van der Heijden


Thanks for your reply Bjoern. I have created something of a workaround for it. See screenshot. Year is selected automatically, but could also be changed to next year. Week number can be typed and when pressing enter the range is displayed and the start date on Monday is filled. Best regards

For a customer we need ISO week numbers integrated into the date picker feature. Sales managers schedule promotions with forecasts, which they need to transfer to demand planners. This process relies heavily on identifying the correct week number. Currently, they have to open Outlook to cross-refere

Hi Daniel, Normally I'm patient waiting for new functionality. In this case my best customer asked for this functionality. After talking to support decided tot add it to user voice again. Best regards, Arno

Dear WEBCON Team, I would like to propose a new feature to enhance social interactions within WEBCON BPS: the ability to tag other users in the comments field. This would function similarly to tagging features on popular social media platforms, allowing users to directly mention and engage with c

Currently I'm migrating files from SharePoint to a custom built WEBCON DMS application. Normally the Instance number is generated according to a rule which is perfect for new files. The customer wants to keep their document numbering. For the existing files I would like to update the Instance nu

When I use form fields in some actions the field value are not actually filled correctly. It just uses the field code. Updated to the latest version this week. Don't think it was an issue before, so maybe a bug?

When I try to generate documentation of my process I get error: "Sequence contains more than one matching element", see included attachment. Application has no real issues, what to do?

Filter a data source
07.12.2021 09:00

Thanks Daniel, I've change my screenshot and removed the names. As you can see in my screenshot I don't see an option to switch to the advanced filter. Maybe I use a different data source? In my case a dictionary. Are you using a SQL data source? Kind regards, Arno

Filter a data source
03.12.2021 17:23

I hope I can explain it right... I'm trying to add an autocomplete column to an item list that is filtered on a multi select column. So I have a projects dictionary, and want to select a project from that. Each project can have multiple employees working on it, therefore I created a multi-user selec

Thanks Daniel for the quick response. Changing visibility works as you described. Also I needed to hide the field when the value was still empty and did that in form behavior with a form rule. Kind regards, Arno

Maybe I missed something but I'm struggling on a form. On the form I have 2 autocomplete choice fields that are related. First I would like to hide the second field. The first field a category has to be selected (1-5), and when someone selects Category 1, the second field should appear dynamically