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Christian Amler


Hi Daniel, no talk for a while ;) Thanks for your input as always! Your topics are not exactly about what i have experienced in the last days, though. Although I had the same issues numerous times, and I feel what is said in the replies to your posts also. Stuff works in Test, then you sy

Hi all, first of all: this is not supposed to be a moaning complaint, just a heads up so other people dont fall for the issue that hit us today. I wanted to share some info regarding the update from 2022 to 2023, as we ran into some very unsatisfying issues with SQL COMMAND business rules that

Unfortunately replied to pawel by accident, not sure if you get notified as well - so here you go.

Hi Darek, When I need to do that, I prepare a small workflow with 2 steps, field for Business Entity (+ maybe other parameter that will stay the same for 1 batch), and an item list with the colums you need on the target workflow. Make The fieldtypes in the item list the same as in the targetworkf

Report based on solr
29.09.2023 13:24

Wow, this is nice! Never thought of it. Thanks for the idea! :)

Attachment Description
29.09.2023 12:20

Hi Joanna, you could create a form validation rule containing an SQL Query that checks if any description in WFDataAttachmets (!) in the Content DB returns empty or NULL in Field ATT_description for the specific workflow. This should work: if exists (select 1 from WFDataAttachmets where AT

BPS on premise two domains ?
10.07.2023 10:44

Hi Marcin, I had a similar issue, we have to change UPN for ~400 users. There is a stored procedure in the Content DB you can use, called ReplaceLogins. You execute for each user with oldlogin, new upn, displayname. of course it makes sense to execute it from the entire list of users, which

Tagging people in comments
26.06.2023 09:52

This would be extremely useful! Thanks for the Idea!

Hi Daniel, you could already do that in version 2021. We had a field that was constantly left empty but in some cases wasn't mandatory, so we couldn't make it a mandatory field. Plus it is hidden on a tab, so people tended to miss it. I created a rule that defines if the field had to be filled,

Editing/deleting comment
16.03.2023 14:51

Hi! I doubt this is a good idea. I wouldn't want comments I have read and took info from to be changed afterwards in a company environment. I would only agree if the comments history would be included in the history of the workflows. So if this would actually made it into webcon please only

Every single time I create a new item list... 😅

Hi Pasquale, I think multilanguage doesn't work there - not sure if later versions have an option for that though. If not this would be a very helpful addition to Webcon. In version 2021 I ended up checking the language beforehand with User browser language and giving different alerts per language :

Hi Daniel! Thank you very much for the help! I hope I will find the time to try before my vacation 🙂 I think Mailapproval is a pretty good option, the external people we send these to like it pretty much. Its easier than logging in somewhere, find the right workflow, approve it, log out again. The

Hi, I have an issue with sending mails in steps that are defined as 'available for Mailapproval'. In the current case I only want to send out a notification email for information, the receipient doesnt have a task in the step. So i defined a template, put fields and grids in, and lokked at the pre

Hi, as it is not possible to delete unwanted business entities when there are instances with them being used in it would be nice to have a parameter to deactivate them to make them disappear in the BE-field.

Grouping Issue on Web Part
11.05.2022 12:36

Hi Mark, sorry, was in a hurry yesterday ;) Seems as if you have multiple occurences of the same value with different IDs used in these workflows. So likely you have these in your datasource as well, so first check the datasource entries for that value. If that is the case you need to decide whi

Grouping Issue on Web Part
10.05.2022 11:04

Hi, I had a similar issue with dropdown fields that had the same value, but different IDs. This resulted in the same Value having 2 groups. maybe you shoul query the DB with like for the value to find out if you have 2 different IDs in that field.

Hi, substitutions are kept in WFCovers. here is my statement to show them in SQL grid. SELECT TOP (100000) convert(varchar,[COV_CoverStart],104) as begin ,convert(varchar,[COV_CoverEnd],104) as end ,Person = (select COS_AD_displayname from [CacheOrganizationStructure] where COV_person =

Hi Peter, thank you for your input. I'll try out your suggestion with the SQL-Reports and hope this is running better in Version 2022. I really like the possibilities of SOLR reports, but having everyone seeing all the data is a no-go. Thanks a lot! :) Christian

Hi, because of the lately very, very poor performance of SQL-Reports I have changed some reports to Searchindex. The SQL-Reports always only show the workflows that the user has access to, after I changed it to SearchIndex every user sees everything in the report, but of course then can't open th