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Hi Guys, i perhaps have a simple question regarding the itemlist. We initalize the first row of an itemlist with default values in the coloums. I now would like to prevent the first row (init row) from deleting by the user. How can i manage this? Thanks so far Gerd

Hi Guys, I use MailApproval on some paths in our application. Now I have the somewhat unusual behavior that an acceptance via MailApproval is rejected with a validation error. If I carry out the acceptance in the same process (same instance) in the application, it works. The option “Form field v

Hei Maks, uncheck the path in step works!! Ad.10 here -> https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R2/Studio/Workflow/Step/Step_FormView/ Thanks!!

Hi once more, i tried it with a new path and this works proberly. But i dont want to have the "technical" mailapprovalpath visible in the application. I therefore defined the path visiblity only for our admin-group but then the mailapproval folder and the corresponding function gets inactive. A

Hi guys, i use the mailapproval function to "accept" or "decline" a step. The "accept" path works fine with mailapproval. The "decline" path actually has the comment set to required and therefore the path transition operation failed with an "validation error". What can i do to set the comment

Hi guys, I have created a subworkflow that I would like to use to implement a signing process. I copy the required attachments from the parent workflow to this subworkflow. How do I get the changed (signed) attachments back into the parent workflow and how can I then exchange the original docume

How to get previous action
21.07.2023 09:33

Hi Daniel, Sorry, it took me a while to test your suggestion. Unfortunately it doesn't work properly. I placed the rule in the excecution condition in an "send custom mail" action at "onEntry" of the step, but the ID from "CurrentPath" is empty. Do you have an idea? Thanks, Gerd

How to get previous action
17.07.2023 09:58

Hi Daniel, thanks for you answer and sorry for the incorrect wording ;-) Yes i meant that i want to know which path was used to enter a WF-Step. I now try to implement it with parameters and a business rule... Therefore i found following info in the community: https://community.webcon.com/po

How to get previous action
14.07.2023 16:13

Hi Guys, knowing i am a newbie, i just have a maybe quite simple question. Can i get the ID of the 'calling' action on the entry path of an action? Would like to check which ist the caller and depending on the result send an email or not. Thats it ;-) Thanks for some hints, Gerd