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Hubert Chadaj


Rest Api User access context
15.12.2022 11:40

Hi, Adding new rest api user context in adminpanle , we can choose permissions to applications. When can chooses ReadWrite, but still it's giving possibility to overwrite element after creations. I think that good idea will be give new to of access like CreateOnly. To start only new element

SOAP overwrite Content-Type
04.10.2022 23:08

Hi, If somebody know how to override in Webcon Soap Action key value Content-Type? In default is going by text/xml by I need application/soap+xml.

Bussines / Form rule
23.08.2022 09:44

Hi, I propose to add in Bussines and Form rules internal parameters like in automatizations. I will be helpful for calculating or savng data to compare, not using JS mode.

Witch version of BPS You tring to do it?

Hi, When Can i be done? It's planned?

HI, I propose to add possibility to do photos from builded cameras in laps/computer/no mobile devices like mobile. So to not do photo, save it on device and now addind to element. But to add exact after to the photo by camera, and run camera from element. It's could by by custom action or use buil

Dashboard + Reports
22.02.2021 21:19

Hi, When We put Report on dashboard using functionality of massive action or quick path not refreshing data in report. When we use it on report it refresh data. The functionality of report when it use as report or report on dashboard should be the same.

SOLR Reports - Attachments
01.02.2021 23:38

Hi, When we use reports with SOLR we have easy access to attachment's, but not always is good to see them all. When elements have many attachments the report is inconvenient and not look good. Where useful will be to set: - how many attachment's we wont to see - filter them by category or type of

In new versions o WebCon BPS using Word templates are now using GUID identifier witch enables using it's in all environments. But the functionality o Word templates are very simple. It's now enough flexible for control conditions for hide, show etc. information's. For example: You can not show heade

When User have permission to more then one entry point, the print action get first of it. User should be able to choose on witch point hi what to use.