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Hi, I want to add a few calculated column in my report(Webcon Sharepoint version) but the button "Add calculated column" is disabled and I don't know why. Do you know why this button is disabled?

Works perfectly. Thank you

I don't have BPS 2022 yet:/ Change item list value would be ok but can I ask you for an example of the SQL query? Let say that I have an item list with Column A and column B. I also have a dictionary with Column X. I want "1" in column B whenever value in column A exists in column X

Hi, I want to compare(lookup) an item list with dictionary items. On a start step I have the item list where I want to upload some rows from an excel file, then I want to check if uploadet rows exist in the dictionary. If exists, webcon should mark a column in the item list that the entry exis

Subworkflows field update
21.06.2022 12:51

Hi Daniel, The update related workflow instance action didn't work in my case :/ but your idea with a data column, to display those fields in the sub workflows is genius :) I have a solution now! Thank you Daniel (again) :)

Subworkflows field update
21.06.2022 10:59

Hi, I have a main workflow where I have 5 text fields. Some of these fields are displayed on the sub workflow form(Sub Workflows start on a specific main workflow step) Sometimes I have to change one of the filed value on the main workflow( on step " Wait for sub-workflows) which is displayed

Hello, Is there a way to check a specific user AD group membership? I want to type a user in a field and then I want to see on which groups this user is(based on AD). It would also be great if the list of groups would be loaded into a list items. I read this: https://alterpaths.com/webcon-adm

Works perfectly, Thank you guys

Hi, Do you know how to make rows in a 'Data table' field colorful? I get some data from subworkflows by the table field and I want to color some rows depending on their status: open - blue, closed-green ... Is there such posibility?

When tasks are overdue?
10.01.2022 09:43

I have it, finally :) Thank you Sebastian

When tasks are overdue?
28.12.2021 14:20

Hello, When you are at the portal site there is a task counter there with: new tasks, active tasks and overdue tasks. When some task becomes the overdue task? Do I need to set some date somewhere in designer studio or what? I cant't find this anywhere

Wokrs perfectly right now. Thanks to your simple example. What I did wrong? My sql query was a little bit different than yours and that was a key to success Thank you very much for your help Best regards Darek

Hi Daniel, Yes, I saw this article but I still don't know how to configure the action properly. I wrote a sql 'select' statment and 'test' button shows that the statment is ok but the workflow form gives me an error: 'Exception of type 'WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.BusinessLogic.ElementManagement.Excepti

Hi Everyone, I want to change some field values on a sub-workflow but from a main workflow level. Example: I have a main workflow with 3 sub-workflows. When some user choose a path on the main workflow I want to modify some fields in the sub-workflows. Is there any action to achieve it?

Ending sub-workflows
28.10.2021 10:59

Hi All, I have a workflow where I use “Start a subworkflow (SQL)” action. I also have a “Wait for sub-workflows(system step)” step where I wait until all the subworkflows will end. I configured the “Wait for sub-workflows” to go back to “register step” when one of the subworkflows finished negativ

Great! That's what I wanted. Thank you Christian Best regards Darek

Hi All, I want to do automatically open sub workflow after parent workflow started. Now I have to open parent workflow and find there sub workflow button. I want something like this: 1. Fill parent form and start flow to save and start sub-workflow. 2. Sub workflow starts and now I want tha this

Empty step column on reports
29.06.2021 17:09

Hi Daniel, I didn't see your article before. I think It's this what you wrote. i will wait for next update to fix the issue. Thank you for your help

Empty step column on reports
28.06.2021 18:42

Hi All, Does anybody know why system column "Step" on any report is empty? It doesn't show anything. Other columns are ok and show information from workflows. I noticed that when I enable Grouping on Step, every step name shows on the left of report but still not on the system column.

Cascading dropdown fields
08.06.2021 23:24

Hi, I have a category list and sub-category list and I want to create a two picker fields where the second one will be based on the first one. Category(picker dropdown): * A * B Sub-category(picker dropdown): *A1 *A2 *B1 *B2 If I will choose Category A, the second picker field should show only A