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Markus Jenni


We usually have one Prod and a Test environment installed on the customers infrastructure. Sometimes the customers do have a third pipeline where we can install the Dev environment. If not, we usually set up a single server Dev environment in our infrastructure that matches the customers version of

Wished i had this function just a few weeks ago. By using the Replace values option to delete a row, apart from having new values for DET_ID, also the history gets confusing because you can hardly see, which row had been removed.

Hi Daniel Thank you for having a quick review. Best regards Markus

Hi Kamil We are having some administrative tools where we don't want to use app registration. Browser based authentication would make the usage easier. Like PnP powershell has this option for authentication. In the link below you will find an extended version of the rest-api dataimporter, whe

Appart from not knowing why you still want to use SharePoint-Lists when you've got the WEBCON webparts, you could achieve it this way: 1. Use an itemlist with the fields car/person/manager as technical field and fill in the values based on the form values. To fill the values you can use an sql st

We created a set of powershell cmdlets to connect to a portal, start/update/delete workflows and adding attachments. Inspired by the -UseWebLogin parameter off the Connect-PnPOnline cmdlet i extended our powershell cmdlets with a use weblogin feature. Fiddler and a bit of research in the web pr

I suggest, that this dialog action should also be available for path transitions. Reason: for better user experience it would make sense, showing a pop-up Dialog in order to change some values rather than showing a step in wizard mode to change these values.

Datarow field into report
11.04.2022 14:03

Working with databases for a very long time, there is an alert being triggered when i hear subquery. Using subqueries in reports usually ends up in poor performance. So strongly advise against the usage of them.

They are visible, permissions added via "Add Privileges" action are marked as "Changed by action". Check the log in the history to make sure, the action had been executed the way you intended to do.

Extended Audit capabilities
07.04.2022 13:35

After posting i came up with the thought of creating a custom http-module. Api requests for elements / reports would be sent to a queue and then asynchronously processed and written to the audit database by an audit app. So the impact on performance would be minimized. Maybe this is something

Extended Audit capabilities
07.04.2022 12:58

We are coming across scenarios, where it is required to audit the views and not only changes on an element. Ideally we would be able to configure the audit level: - View element - View attachment - Download attachment - View in report (elements retrieved and displayed on reports) - Edit ele

Counting the attributes used
06.04.2022 09:26

You can query the tables WFConfigurations and DicWFFieldTypes, e.g. SELECT Count(*) AS Count ,DicWFFieldTypes.EnglishName FROM [WFConfigurations] INNER JOIN DicWFFieldTypes ON WFCON_FieldTypeID = DicWFFieldTypes.TypeID WHERE WFCON_DEFID = 4 -- your Process id Group by DicWFFieldTy

We actually did exactly what you did and for our case it works. We are also calling the menu action from a button on a html field, which starts a new workflow and after finishing the steps (we even use wizard mode), we end up back on the form the action started. On the hyperlink action there is a

We are using a Hot-Mailbox to process incoming e-mails with a pdf attachment. The attachment is added to the instance corresponding to the barcode applied on the pdf. This works fine so far. There is now the need, that the users has to send at least one other attachment which does not have a ba

Last year the "Me"-filter for person/group fields have been introduced on reports. I would suggest, that you use a person/group field and start the workflows by setting this field with the user in your dictionary rather than trying to change the author. As long as there are no global read perm

At the moment i can't see the purpose/benefits of your approach for having different authors for each subworkflow. Assigning the first step to different users for e.g. is easier to achieve by setting a people field on workflow start and use the dynamic task assignment. Maybe you better explain w

There is no need to write an sql statement. Simply check "Overwrite instance author" and set the value from the form field and workflows are started with this users as author :)

The reporting and filter options of WEBCON BPS are already great. However we have customers who would like to have a filter "all but..." or "not" like we already have "Begins" and "Contains".

Currently Webcon BPS does not offer an action to convert pdf to pdf/a. As there is a rising request for documents in pdf/a format, it would be great having a built-in pdf to pdf/a conversion action.

Stumbled up on a similar requirement for a new bid we are working on. The requirement is, that a user can select existing attachments (pdf and office documents) and merge them all to a single pdf. Was thinking about creating a mini-workflow that can be executed in a modal dialog. Does not chan