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Michał Ludwiczak


Hi all, After finally having upgraded from 2023 to 2025 the new UX was quite a surprise. I now find that I am unable to change the order of reports, which worked in 2023 version. Is there a way to arrange the order of reports in 2025? OK, sorry, I just found it. Need to do it in the browser by cha

Calendar report coloring
29.03.2024 19:14

This is a great news! :)

Generate text file
12.03.2024 12:35

Thanks, your suggestions are very welcome and will he helpful!

Generate text file
08.03.2024 14:09

Would be nice to be able to have an action that creates a plain text file from a value programmed similarly to a business rule. This would be useful when creating input for bank transfers and possibly other applicatins that accept plain text file as an input.

I thought this would be easy from programming point of view as the procedures are alreay there and the database structure of the archive is the same as the current one. I managed to save the attachments from the archived elements with a slightly modified dbo.Savefiles but would be nice to have this

Disable parts of form rules
08.03.2024 13:26

One feature, useful especially during debugging would be the ability to disable lines in form rules (let's say by some toggle n the right of the line alowing to either disable or enable this line).

Postponed tasks
29.02.2024 13:08

Now there are 3 circles showing new tasks, all taks and overdue tasks. In my environment there are tasks that should be marked as postponed - some tasks should be separated from the normal ones, as users intentionally know they will do some task in the future, but don't want to mix these tasks with

There should be possibility to save all attachemnts from the archived elements in the archived elements report just as in the normal report. I need this possibility badly now! :-)

Hi all! An element in a process disappeared (there is a gap in signature numbering), so I guess it must have been deleted in admin mode. Is there a way to trace any history of such an event (what was it, who deleted it)?

Adding a new field in group
26.01.2024 08:18

It would make sense if newly added form fields to a group of fields would inherit form types assignment from the group. Now, if you assign a group to let's say one of 3 available form types, when you add a form field to this group, it is automatically assigned to all 3 form fields, with no inheritan

Yes Dariusz, I have the source defined. The problem seemed to occur when in the vacation history data source were rows that had no date from or/and date to (the values were empty or null). The chart was then displayed but only when the available/used days elements were not shown. If they were to be

Limit meaning "new line after X elements" :)

I've noticed after installing 2023.1.3.29 that vacation charts stopped working and investigated what is the problem. After some tests it seems that the values of used and avalilable days that were previously automatically calculated based on the items already in the workflow are the problem and prob

Excel genetarion
20.01.2024 09:13

It would be very helpful if excel generating action and data table attribute ability to save as excel could produce an Excel file with or without columns headers. This is sometimes useful, as some external applications accept only data in excel files and no headers.

Vacation history and plans
19.01.2024 23:19

In template configuration of vacation template generated process we have 2 important data sources - vacation history and vacation plans. Their display on vacation chart is different - history has legend and colors for different types of absences, whereas plans are displayed just in one color and the

I was thinking that it is a good thing you can place attributes horizontaly in a group. However in addition there could be something like "number of attributes in a row". An example - when I have 9 attributes in a group and would like to place them in a matrix 3 x 3 (let's say in this case this is t

It would be very helpful if one could create a global form rule and webcon would run it on every page load (especially the pages outside of apps as there is no way you could perform anything there now). This way you could force a user to "punch the clock" after logging to webcon (load and start a de

This is an approach I've been considering (the one with PowerShell), thanks for bringing it up, as this makes me almost certain that there is no other way now. I will put it as a development suggestion as this shoould not be difficult. Thanks!

He all, I was searching, but can't find information anywhere. Is there a possibility to run some javascript or form rules on load of the main website page of local webcon instance? I'm preparing a process where users manually confirm their being at work. It would be very appeciated, that when tey

Thanks Daniel, I will try that!