I've noticed after installing 2023.1.3.29 that vacation charts stopped working and investigated what is the problem. After some tests it seems that the values of used and avalilable days that were previously automatically calculated based on the items already in the workflow are the problem and prob
It would be very helpful if excel generating action and data table attribute ability to save as excel could produce an Excel file with or without columns headers. This is sometimes useful, as some external applications accept only data in excel files and no headers.
In template configuration of vacation template generated process we have 2 important data sources - vacation history and vacation plans. Their display on vacation chart is different - history has legend and colors for different types of absences, whereas plans are displayed just in one color and the
I was thinking that it is a good thing you can place attributes horizontaly in a group. However in addition there could be something like "number of attributes in a row". An example - when I have 9 attributes in a group and would like to place them in a matrix 3 x 3 (let's say in this case this is t
It would be very helpful if one could create a global form rule and webcon would run it on every page load (especially the pages outside of apps as there is no way you could perform anything there now). This way you could force a user to "punch the clock" after logging to webcon (load and start a de
This is an approach I've been considering (the one with PowerShell), thanks for bringing it up, as this makes me almost certain that there is no other way now. I will put it as a development suggestion as this shoould not be difficult. Thanks!
He all, I was searching, but can't find information anywhere. Is there a possibility to run some javascript or form rules on load of the main website page of local webcon instance? I'm preparing a process where users manually confirm their being at work. It would be very appeciated, that when tey
Thanks Daniel, I will try that!
Hi everyone, For a couple of days I've been trying to resolve this issue with no luck, so maybe you will come up with some solution. The case: I 've created an application and a process with the use of absence process wizard (the one in the main menu of designer studio). However it is not to b
Exactly, I need an Excel file with no headers because this is only accepted by the app I want my users to import this file to. If I only hide them thay will still be there, as you said. Too bad, as this would be easy to program in the designer studio.
Hi all, Is there any way to export data from Webcon to Excel WITHOUT column headings? Can't see such an option neither in export from data table attribute nor from the report. Can this be done in any way?
Hello, I've upgraded my Webcon only yesterday and today it seems that there is a problem when sending configurable e-mail through action. The action is simple and it worked until now (previous version 2023.1.1.89). When the action runs it returns an error "Can't send e-mail: Column 'mail' does not
No Marcin, unfortunately not. :(
Thanks Karol for your answer. Anyway the change in actions concerning attachments was either not mentioned in the change log or I missed it while reading. Anyway, if such a change was made and the action does not accept temporary category names, the action should scream an error while executing inst
Delete attachements action seems to be buggy after upgrading from version 2022 to 2023. In my workflow I'm creating an attachement based on word template and assign it category "plik_word". After that I'm converting it to PDF, assingning the PDF a new category "plik_pdf". In the third step I dalete
Hi everyone, I've been working on a "to do" app and I thought that a calendar report view showing the tasks to be dane with their date would be perfect. In the calculated columns of my standard table report I have a calculated column with a red square for an overdue task and green for all the "to b
You are definitly right Daniel, I will create a new database tomorrow dedicated to extra tables for Webcon and move this table there. More elegant and orderly way I guess. Thanks for the assist today!
Thanks Daniel for your suggestion, but while you were writing the reply, I've been trying a different approach and it worked. I've created a dedicated table in the Webcon database (I wonder how it will behave when upgrading the server?) for storing the necessary data (who, when and what was accessed
Well...I've just tried a different approach. I've made a technical workflow that records access (signature of the repository element, person, date and time) and created a menu item wchich invokes an action which runs this new technical workflow with the given data. While whis would seem ideal, it's
Hi everyone! I am developing a document repository. Has anyone come to a solution on how to record each attachment access by a user? Users will access documents that are already in the archive (finish step) and will not be assigned to anyone. In some cases I would like to know who read a document i