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for edit

(...) ; Adding the form rule triggered on a button To properly configure the form rule invoke on the form, go to the “Advanced settings” tab of the HTML form field and open the expression edit or (three dots). The rule should be added between the quotes of the expression onClick = ”” (Fig. 5).   “MoveToNextStep” form rule invoke The “MoveToNextSte (...)

Applies to version 2019.1; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction WEBCON BPS helps you embrace the digital transformation by giving you many options for working with electronic versions of documents and replacing standard signatures with their digital version. This article describes the new Handwritten signature form field (available from version 2019.1.4.) that allows you to a

Applies to version 2019.1; author: Konrad Wojtycza   The “Suggested” report allows you to quickly find the searched instance based on its current status and form field describing it. It displays all instances that have been updated or created in the last year that the user (currently vieving the portal) has access to.  Fig. 1 presents the “Suggested” r

Note: in version 2023, translations are available from the WEBCON BPS Portal interface and WEBCON BPS Translation Tool can be used for older versions only. With the ‘as is’ license, WEBCON additionally provides an external tool, which exports all translatable phrases from a process to an Excel spreadsheet. This spreadsheet contains additional columns, named after the langu

(...) mode: > Instance ID - indicate the instance ID from which the attachments must be copied/downloaded. The system will look for attachments within the content database to which the currently edit ed form belongs. In the presented example, this field contains the ID of the PO document selected in the “Select PO” picker field from the “Purchase order” workflow, which is a (...)

(...) ld and then the "Business rules" field. When the new screen opens, click the 'New rule' button.   Fig. 8. Adding the business rule   Then in the expression edit or, select the “SQL COMMAND” and create the SQL query referring to the element and save the rule.   Fig. 9. The configuration of the business rule   You can add t (...)

(...) FSteps – the configuration of steps WFStepForms – the configuration of the form types on the individual steps and workflows WFStepFormFields – information about requirements and edit ability of form fields and additional configuration settings on the individual forms WFStepFormFieldDetails – it describes information about requirements and edit ability of item list columns o (...)

(...) er selecting the “Currency code” field and entering the currency code, the number with the indicated currency code is displayed on the form. The currency code can also be set by using the edit orpassing values from other form fields.   Fig. 16. The configuration of the “Floating-point number” form field   Fig. 17. The “Floating-point number&r (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Tomasz Słuszniak   SSL Offloading (SSL Termination) is the process that allows you to transfer the encryption and decryption of the SSL connection through Reverse Proxy Server that is located “in front of” the application server. It is mainly used to relieve Web Server from performing these costly operations for the processor. &nbs

(...) lected through the SQL query. You can also do this using the data source with a filter (Fig. 7). In the case of configuring the connection to the database and defining the query (Fig. 5), you can edit the query only on the form field belonging to the specific application, unlike the solution using the MSSQL data source (Fig. 8) which will be generally available in the Data sources -> MSSQL data (...)

(...) use the “ShowField” function instead of the “ShowGroup” function   Disable and Enable Disabling can be used when a user does not want a given form field to be in edit mode, but only in read-only mode.     In the form field configuration, the “DisableControl” function has been used.     Using the enabling f (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Franciszek Sakławski   Introduction Apart from standard options for adding users to the system, such as synchronization with AD or/and AAD, WEBCON BPS allows you to manually add a user. All users added in this way can log in to the system via BPS Auth., be granted privileges, and can be assigned tasks in the system. To save time, you can us

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Agnieszka Burda   The following article is an extension of the HTML form fields article.    Introduction HTML form fields are available since WEBCON BPS 2020.1.3. version - they allow you to use all HTML language tag. The HTML form field can be defined as adding a custom HTML code to the standard code of the WEBCO

(...) ll connections to SharePoint by reconfiguring the application and enabling the WEBCON BPS Modern form display mode: Change JavaScript to the form rules or JavaScript consisting of the available edit or functions while maintaining the logic of the Modern form Switch data sources and SharePoint libraries to dictionary processes or SQL tables Change SOAP WebService to REST WebService. It also (...)

Applies to version: 2020.1.x; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction One of the functionalities in WEBCON BPS system is the ability of using the REST API interface. API is the basic method of data exchange between two systems and it is often used both to download data and transfer it from WEBCON BPS to other applications (e.g. data transfer to the vacation system). For more informat

Applies to version: 2020.1.x; author: Franciszek Sakławski   Introduction One of the functionalities significantly extending the potential of WEBCON BPS is the possibility of using the REST API interface. This article describes how to configure a data source based on information returned by the external services that provide their API. An example of using a REST data source ca

Applies to version: 2020.1.x; author: Tomasz Słuszniak   Introduction From version 2020.1.3.321 there is the ability of defining additional http headers returned in responses from the web server. This functionality can be used e.g. to increase the level of security of WEBCON BPS Portal. This is especially important when BPS Portal is publicly available on the Internet. To defi

(...) unning nginx should display the following content:       Configuration In the C:\nginx\conf\ location, there is a “nginx.conf” configuration file  - edit this file. The minimum configuration should be as below: worker_processes  1; events {     worker_connections  1024; } http {     include&nbs (...)

(...) .1.3. For the original see: BPS actions - introduction.   Introduction Global form template Field matrix - basics Filling in field matrix Visibility tab Visibility - example edit ability and requiredness tab edit ability and requiredness - example Style and behavior tab Style and behavior - example Behavior tab Summary     Introduction The fo (...)

Applies to version: 2020.1.x; author: Wojciech Kołodziej   Introduction The OCR AI Learn mechanism allows you to create dedicated templates for recognizing documents in the process. Depending on the type of processed documents, various different distinguishers are used, which clearly indicate which template to use for the document. For example, in the invoice process – the c