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(...) ement of data sources directly from the dashboard and allows multiple reports to draw data from even a single source. This solution also enables embedding Filter widgets, allowing users to quickly narrow down the data displayed in dashboard reports. This article is dedicated to exploring this functionality and its potential applications.   NOTE: for detailed information on reports embe (...)

Applies to version: 2022 R1 and above; author: Konrad Keppert   Related documentation A detailed description of the functionalities mentioned herein and their configuration can be found on the following pages: Run a PowerShell script | WEBCON BPS Install Azure PowerShell on Windows | Microsoft Learn   Introduction Users of WEBCON BPS often face the need

(...) ted in the upper right corner of the Tasks section (Fig. 6), the list of filter levels will be expanded. Selecting the Flag filter option will open another list. With this filter, the tasks can be narrow ed down to Flagged, Postponed, or Overdue. Fig. 6. Filters for flagging tasks  

(...) ts. But the functionality o Word templates are very simple. It's now enough flexible for control conditions for hide, show etc. information's. For example: You can not show header of table, but empty row is always. In HTML you can control this. Adding using GUID in HTML templates give the more flexible possibility to build templates witch information

(...) me more functions, like: - user defined left menu - pages, not just dashboards - option to turn off the default dashboard - dashboard HTML element should have some kind of HTML editor, not just a narrow window for code pasting. It's hard to make any changes without copy/paste to external editor - dashboard text element is too narrow , it should be resizable ! Almost impossible to edit large amount of (...)

(...) oesn't know how to retrieve the data I add the logic below which can be put into the advanced editor. You need to create an APP with impersonation. For some reason the report was returned but without row s without impersonation. I even granted the APP business administrator privileges without success. Using impersonation worked though. Regards, Daniel let api_url = "http://*.cosmoconsult.com", t (...)

(...) pping between the pdf form fields and fields of the workflow instance. The ideal solution is having two columns in a dynamic grid (similar as in the image attached), where i am able to add as many row s as i need. One to define a name of the form field (text) and another to pick from my workflow fields. I found some classes like ConfigEditableGrid, ConfigEditableGridColumn in the SDK, but I'm missi (...)

(...) Between Item lists there is relationship 1:C. How row in the parent Item list can be protected to be updated or deleted if in the child item list there is a row referenced on ID of row in the parent Item list. Is there any sample that can help to overcome this issue. Both Item lists are in the same step.

(...) Adding possibility to add SQL row as a column could be also a workaround to achieve that. Right now (BPS 2020...434) is is only possible to add instance number from system fields to mass notifications.

(...) to an existing MSSQL data source. In many processes I have a global field with the unique identifier. I would like to use this key for a 1:1 join. I can show the join results on the form (using Data row field type) but not on the report. Is something like that even possible?

(...) ving the option to implement and configure a SDK extension for reports, which would allow to execute an action based on the current selection. In my case the SDK extension would receive the selected row s with all fields and generate an advanced Pdf report. Like configuring the mass action, there should be an option to configure the SDK action. Like picking the right extension, title and maybe an ico (...)

(...) to start a subworkflow from an item list. My item list will have the candidate for Positions and it will not be filled at the same time, each time there's a candidate for an offer, the user creates a row . To start my subworkflow I'm using as conditions having the candidate name as not null and a flag set to true and i'm using this as an execution condition with the following SQL: if exists ( sel (...)

(...) select '{WFCONCOL:1769}' as {DCNCOL:105}, 'Requester Manager' as {DCNCOL:104} from WFElementDetails where DET_WFDID='{WFD_ID}' and DET_WFCONID={WFCON:1652} with the unique value set to be the row identifier Anyone with ideas? Thank you!

(...) eport is inconvenient and not look good. Where useful will be to set: - how many attachment's we wont to see - filter them by category or type of file on seconde side nice to have will be colapsing row to see only one attchment and after expand see more. The all will be very useful to do good reports ;)

(...) Hello, I am trying to clear the contents of a technical itemlist which I use to put data into a word document. This itemlist works as a buffer and takes the row s of another itemslist which have with a YES/NO field selected as YES. The source itemlist always has different values so i need to refresh the buffer. I need an easy way to clear the contents of the buffer itemlist. Also, the buffer itemlist (...)

(...) Curently there is only one option to install Office Add-Ins from Webcon Portal - use Internet Explorer. As we know IE is realy old web brow ser and Microsoft is going to finish support for this brow ser at 21th of August 2021. We should add support for this feature for modern web brow sers.

(...) In order to give users a more simple look of what happened so far in the workflow, I created a datasource that should work for all workflows and translations. Values are shown depending on the users brow ser language. It simply shows which step was left with which path, by which user, at what time. I present this in an SQL-grid in the forms where I think it will be helpful to the users. It can be (...)

(...) It would be nice if there were the following changes to the form rule alerts/confirmation functions: a) Modal dialog They could reuse the modal dialog from the "single row edit" instead of using the brow ser integrated alert/confirmation window. This would result in a more consistent user experience. Of course it would be nice to set title, body and button texts but I would be fine with setting the bo (...)

(...) the thread name once the author deems the thread as closed. Of course tags like in the user voice would be nice changing the thread name would serve the same purpose. This would also help if someone brow ses the forums on a non regular basis to check whether there is an unanswered question. The 'solution' /'helpful' option itself isn't good enough for this in my opinion. We don't see who clicked it. (...)

(...) and if the user changes one of them, I want that cell to be marked so it's easier to check the value. I have found some examples but it's using a rule (like > than X) and it's painting the entire row . In the new release there are new item list actions which allow to paint one cell but I don't know how to write the change value (probably I will have to use SQL command for this). Any ideas? T (...)