(...) Hi, we just updated on Friday to Version 2021.1.4.36. Just now a user called and showed me that she is GET ting an unknown exception error when trying to add an attachment to a manually created new instance. She has the rights to do so, and can add attachments as soon as the instance is manifested in the DB through save button that directs to the same step. So there is a known workaround, but it w (...)
(...) We GET an error message by using filter function in the report for calculated columns (using substring). I use the following formula. SUBSTRING(WFD_AttText8,1,2). The report view shows the correct values in the calulated column. As soon as I want to filter this column, I GET an error message. Does anyone else have the problem or am I doing something wrong? Best regards Nancy
(...) to moving the flow into a cancelled step. This length of time is user selectable when creating a new record. Talent Req is created and posting is set to stay up for 30/60/90 days. Is there a way to GET the Timeout interval value set to the value of a form field? (If the user chooses 30 days, that will be the timeout value, 60, etc...)
(...) /shown via the style and behaviour Tab. I want to be able to show the Attachments field when some dropdown item is selected. Works perfectly for every other field (as shown in image) but I cannot tarGET the Attachments field Where and how can I even configure the Attachments field? Best regards Fabian :)
(...) Hello toGET her, I execute a PowerShell script directly on a path in my Webcon workflow. Beacuse I'am searched through some groups I got an timeout after one minute. I GET an error with the message: "Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding". But where can I increase this timeout value to higher then a minute? Thanks for your help (...)
(...) ear WebCon Team, in our view, we found following misbehaviour of the form field typ - Floating Point. If you try to set this field with a periodical fraction like (14/15)*100 = 93,333333... you will GET an error message. In our oppinion this is a misbehaviour, because the field itself should handle such an "exception". And it is hard to find ;) A possible solution is to wrap the "Round" function ar (...)
(...) ion where out of multiple users that have access to an instance, can see it and work in it without problem, but when only one of them searches for that specific instance in the search bar he does not GET that instance back at all. Did anyone encountered something like this and do you know how to solve it, or what the possible problems are? Regards, George
(...) a data source of MSSQL type, that populates a data table. The SQL query is quite complicated but it works. However it currently takes about 33 seconds to complete. Thus when executed in SQL Studio, I GET the output table. When I try to execute it in a bps process, it fails. When testing in Designer Studio, I GET an error of execution timeout. Is there a way to tell Webcon to allow a little more time (...)
(...) sion package to a newer Webcon installation? If the answer is No (what we suppose), is there a workaround to import this package without having to upgrade the current server to the version of the tarGET system? Thanks a lot in advance & best regards, Nik
(...) ub-workflows” step but it goes back to “register step”( because the “Wait for sub-workflows” step sees that first sub-workflow was finished negative. It is some kind of a loop and I don’t know how to GET around this. Does anybody know how to help me?
(...) ronment to TEST environment and when I uploaded the .zip archive the following error occured on the .xlsx report: "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: securityProvider" Does anyone know why do we GET this error? Thanks!
(...) Hi, I GET an error when trying to sync with a domain: Unable to find Net Bios Name for domain. With synchronization of another domain there is not problem. The permissions have been added. Have any of you had a similar problem? Log below: Download Active Directory data: - An error occurred while preparing directory path for domain: 'partners.somesite.pl'. Exception: System.DirectoryServices. (...)
(...) LAN_ID where innerDocType.DTYPE_ID = outerDocType.DTYPE_ID FOR XML PATH('') ),'') as Label FROM WFDocTypes outerDocType where DTYPE_ID in ({DT:4},{DT:7}) The TRANS_OBJID is fixed. You can GET an overview of all ids and which fields, tables you need to replace in the above command from: SELECT * FROM [dbo].[DicTranslationsObjects] The attached image shows the executed SQLcommand and the (...)
(...) Hello everyone! I have a trouble during deleting instances - i always GET timeout after 30 seconds. Is there any way to make the system button faster or to increase timeout time? I didnt find anything in webcon configurations unfortunately. I dont think it is a version problem since deleting on test environment works just fine. Edit: I just managed to GET the same problem on test environment. (...)
(...) me when form rules didn't have an 'Edit mode', where you could select JavaScript or Form rule. You only had JavaScript. :) In the meantime the 'Form rule' option has been added an the JavaScript mode GET s little attention, if at all. But how can you do some of the 'Form rule' actions with pure JavaScript? If you click on the "Show" button in the expression preview you will the JavaScript representing (...)
(...) want to select a project from that. Each project can have multiple employees working on it, therefore I created a multi-user selection in the project dictionary. When selecting the project I want to GET all projects where my account is in the employees field, like: Filter: [Employee(Login)] is in [Data source columns(Employees)] This will give me the project where I am the only one. I need also the (...)
(...) Hi everyone, In version 2021 of BPS Designer does not allow to run designer on the server on two different users (on two different connections to server). I GET a resource usage error (in picture). Do you have an idea how to deal with it? Alternatively: I tried to start BPS Designer locally but I GET a message saying no connection with the license. I need to open some port in server or something? (...)
(...) or when you deal with some custom HTML element - it would make life just easier. There is some question, how to deal with with those Webcon Variable blocks - how they should be aligned, but even forGET ting about them, it's a nice to have. There is also a thread which might be connected: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/74?messageid=74 If there will be an in-webcon code editor, then the fo (...)
(...) Hi everyone, i locally installed the Outlook Plugin according to the manual. When adding an Email to a Workflow instance, i GET an error "Insufficient attachment permissions" (see screenshot). I have to admit, that i used the Edge browser instead of Internet Explorer to install the add-in. What could i do to fix this? Thanks for considering my request, Christian
(...) in64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.110 Safari/537.36 | href: | ex: System.ArgumentException: Kolumna 'WFD_Guid' nie należy do tabeli Result. w System.Data.DataRow.GET DataColumn(String columnName) w System.Data.DataRow.GET _Item(String columnName) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.BusinessLogic.ElementManagement.FormFields.Choose.ChooseValuesLoader.c__DisplayClass7_0.b (...)