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(...) 0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.110 Safari/537.36 | href: | ex: System.ArgumentException: Kolumna 'WFD_Guid' nie należy do tabeli Result. w System.Data.Datarow .GetDataColumn(String columnName) w System.Data.Datarow .get_Item(String columnName) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.BusinessLogic.ElementManagement.FormFields.Choose.ChooseValuesLoader.c__DisplayClass7 (...)

(...) I have a dictionary process containing some appartments, and another process where you make reservations. I would like to do one thing - let's say you are brow sing the appartments list and when you find the right one, you want to make the reservation right from the appartment form. At the moment to do this I first need to click "edit", then a menu button with the relevant action appears which I can c (...)

(...) orm rule function / JS function like SET ERROR(Field, errorText) - for every form diyplay mode . It would also be desirable to have something like this for item lists: SET ERROR ITEM LIST (ItemList, row , errorText) The counterpart CLEAR ERROR would also be fine to remove the error message. My approach is not that ideal, because I must do validation twice, once a user changes something in the form a (...)

(...) we have a column visibility/edit/requirement restriction for every field in an item list. But there is no column visibility restriction for the delete button, so you cannot prevent deletion of some row s. It is something you can do easily with js, but only with classic display form mode. It doesn’t work with modern forms. The problem is that it is not guaranteed that your form rules “Main form -> (...)

(...) st). However, I can not add it automatically to the list, as there is no function that allows me to do this (or I can not find it). The only procedure that allows me to change the items list and add row s that were not there is the initialization through sql. But in this case I don't need any initialization at all. Is initialization the only way, or do you manage to cope in such cases in some other w (...)

(...) While trying to cope with problematic hyperlinks to different items in one item list row , I came up with a solution that might come in handy. Explanation: The item list contains one key choice field ("Symbol") which is configured to populate several other fields in the list. Among the populated fields are "Przypisane komórki (BPS)", "Przypisane garaże (BPS)", "Przypisane miejsca postojowe (BPS)" (...)

(...) a. For example - I know that Tomasz is author of some threats, but he is not visible in category "Author" becuase amount of this threats is less then 7 (screenshot 1). When I use the filter to narrow down search result in category "Author", Tomasz will appear in category "Author" (screenshot 2). Is it possible for all the values to appear in the categories, regardless of the number of threads (...)

(...) . However, reports do great job and allow all the necessary filtering and grouping. Using a report would be a perfect start for a sales transaction. I was working on a solution to allow salesmen brow se through a report of items and adding them directly to transaction. This is wat I came up with: Transactions have additional technical fields: a). is the transaction "open" (allowing items to be ad (...)

(...) . I also deleted the website data from within Safari, but this didn't help. Ok, I was only guessing that the app might somehow use Safari for displaying the page so the data would be listed in the brow ser itself. Best regards, Daniel

(...) Rather, it is an order of magnitude to evaluate for these ready-made sample demo applications As far as the attachments can be estimated, I am interested in the scale and speed of the database grow th at the beginning based on the demo application. Has anyone tested it yet? Maybe there is a ready script that will measure it quite sensibly? (yes, I know sp_spaceused but I'm looking for a ready)

(...) to have access to old documents in end step (Final - positive). Clicking through several thousand documents is not an option. It would be best to use the option to check permissions to open in the brow ser, but that didn't work for me. I was thinking about using a dedicated BPS SQL procedure [proc_WFSecuritiesInsert] to add access for a group for specific cases but I don't know if it's a good sol (...)

(...) Hi, I would like to create an plugin that will open a link in the client side brow ser. I try using basic .NET method, but the brow ser starts on the server where Webcon is installing. Would I have to make a separate addon running on the client side? Then how to install such an add-on?

(...) specific step in the report (view - new view) (regardless of the DEV / TEST / PROD environment)? Unfortunately, when moved to another system (DEV to PROD), the ID of the steps changes. And from the brow ser level, when adding new views, you need to add the step ID.

(...) lls the form in: 1 form field: CAR: Volkswagen Golf IV 2 form field: Persons: Mr Smith, Mr Johnson, Mr Williams 3 form field: Position: Manager Then the Sharepoint list should add the following row s: 1) Mr Smith // Volkswagen Golf IV // Manager 2) Mr Johnson // Volkswagen Golf IV // Manager 3) Mr Williams // Volkswagen Golf IV // Manager Is it somehow possible?

(...) have a following where clause, which compares a date from Oracle table to a date from a form field that is completed by an user (it is "user's date"): "where table1.date = User's date: date acc. brow ser settings(text)" and it doesn't work because of different date formats. I've tried multiple methods and nothing worked. Do you know any solution? However, the following where clause works ver (...)

(...) Whenever I try to change the language of column "instance number", my report throw s up this error "An item with the same key has already been added". How to fix this issue? Please suggest.

(...) 'Internal' AS ID, 'Click me' AS HTML UNION SELECT 'Azure' AS ID, 'Link' AS HTML And we used this datasource in a datatable field on form. However, we have some interesting results. First row is rendered as text (with esacaped html entitities < ...), the second row is rendered as HTML, also the click event works. Can someone explain this behaviour? Is it even possible to add som (...)

(...) Hi folks, for some reason for the past few days the attachment preview no longer seems to work. Depending on the brow ser used we get a different message saying that the server seems to have refused to embedd the site in an IFrame. Opening the attachment in another tab and downloading does work fine. What could be the culprit there? Best regards Fabian

(...) ce.PortalService.d__123.MoveNext() --- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde --- bei System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) bei WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.PortalService.PortalService.d__121.MoveNext() --- (...)

(...) Hi all! We want to add some row s to an item list with 'Change item lists values' action. The SQL query should take a JSON array (which is perfectly valid) from UI element and return a table for adding new row s to this item list. Unfortunately this does not work. There seems to be some parsing on Webcon side, which eliminates all elements in the JSON array, apart from the separator, which res (...)