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(...) Is there a reference guide to scaling up solr configs beyond the setup done by the installer. I have narrow ed down my performance issues to the solr timeout on memory from the logs

(...) Hi, I've got workflow with contract database. Since 2 days strange things are happening. From time to time, the report showing all conctracts is doubling some row s. In BPS Content database there is only one instance with this ID number, but on the report some instances appears twice. I delete report, recreated and same situation. Does anyone knows how to solve this issue?

(...) I have a rather curious scenario, when I look up an archived instance, I am able to bring up the form and see the files attached. However when I try to open/download the attachment it throw s errors. Curiously if I go the history of the instance and scroll down to the attachment link, it opens the file just fine. Is this a known issue? Error during saga execution: Unexpected token 'A', "Attachment (...)

(...) ID numbers that are not allowed to be edited in the attribute "ID numbers uneditable" (screenshot). 2) For each ID number in item list, specified in the attribute "ID numbers uneditable", item list row should be colored red and should not be editable (should be DISABLE). Especially, in this case, for specified ID number, cell in column "Choose" should be disabled. WEBCON built-in fuction "DISABL (...)

(...) Sid then by DisplayName. The problem appears while using field "single string record". While using field "Person" there is no such problem. LOG: Sequence contains no elements at System.Linq.Throw Helper.Throw NoElementsException() at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Authentication.CacheAd.UserSearcher.FindByBpsIdThenByDisplayNameThenSy (...)

(...) D I will be automatically logged in using SSO from the last user. Therefore I cannot have multiple profiles with different Webcon user logins. The Android Tablet uses Microsoft Edge as it's default brow ser and for the app. Anyone experiencing the same thing?

(...) Hi, Can you please add the ability to choose a dark theme for the Designer Studio app? It will save users eyes and improve the comfort of working for many hours in a row :)

(...) rror #185". This is happening when they expand the selection list. When we want to reproduce the error on our devices, everything works fine :) We tried clearing cookies - doesn't help, changing brow sers - which sometimes helps but not all. Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Maybe it is a version error? Our version is: 2021.1.5.344 Sharepoint Integrated Form: Modern

(...) Hi, We have a single workflow element that is not opening. On clicking on the workflow element, the brow ser just starts loading indefinitely. This issue appears only on this single element and nowhere else. What can I check, how can I start researching this issue? We are using classic forms on SharePoint. Thank you

(...) Is it possible to add an ordinal column in reports, for example, consecutive row s numbered 1,2,3.... (in the first additional column only at the report level)

(...) Hi, I noticed that the webcon workflow service logs warnings almost every time I display an element with an item list on it. E.g. I opened element in the brow ser and the service logged "Control not found ('SubElems_257')WFD_ID=21065". I don't have any page loading rules and there are no actions performed on this item list in the current step. It occurs in various applications and processes that I ha (...)

(...) Good evening everyone, I'm looking for a way to get the name of an ItemList within a SELECT statement. I'm planning to build a way to move an ItemList row to another ItemList in the same instance. Therefore I need an autocomplete field with ID=ItemListID(DET_WFCONID) and Name=? . I'm kind of stuck. At the moment I can't even find it under (https://developer.webcon.com/2022/resources/db/). (...)

(...) Hello, my dashboard includes a three column design with one report in each of the columns. The problem i'm facing now is that because the columns are too narrow , the reports get displayed as tiles rather than a compact table row list. I can change the view mode when viewing the dashboard in the brow ser (see image), but I would like to define it as the default view. Is there any way to change th (...)

(...) item lists: 1) freezing view of the selected (first 'n') columns -> following the thread: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/2603?page=1#m2610; 2) enabling (showing) / disabling (hiding) row s in the previously initialized item list -> business case: in the step after initialization we disable (or hide) all the row s except for the selected ones (preferably); after the data was entered to (...)

(...) Hi there. Trying to familiarize myself with the for each action. I have an item list an I want a business rule to evaluate the value for each row of a certain column (choice field) an execute an action for it. Unfortunately, as soon as I have more than one row in the item list, the BR evaluation will fail as it attempts to test against all the row values for the specified column. My BR uses (...)

(...) Working on a project whereby there is a process to track delinquent loans and create collection activities based on ageing. We receive loan data as a daily dump in excel and new or modified row s should either fire new instances of our workflows or trigger certain paths in existing workflows.Unsure of how to go about this

(...) Hi, I have found this article. I don't understand where should i define an additional row ... (text fig. 13) Or i get error "column DET_Att1 not found.." https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/confiugration-of-the-item-list-and-data-table-form-field-in-e-mail-templates/14 Can you help? Thank you.

(...) .g__Awaited|10_0(ControllerActionInvoker invoker, Task lastTask, State next, Scope scope, Object state, Boolean isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow (ActionExecutedContextSealed context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next, Scope& scope, Object& state, Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNe (...)

(...) email addresses from a Dictionary. I checked "Selecting addresses by SQL/CAML query" and as Data source: i chose my Dictionary When i write a SQL query it doesn't filter. It shows all columns and row s. In my workflow i have a choice field Vendor name (from a Dictionary - it contains Vendor Name, Vendor Email). When i pick that vendor, i want to send an email to that vendor. Can you help? Th (...)

(...) contentDatabase) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.UserSynchronization.Processors.UserSynchronizationInnerProcessor.d__14.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was throw n --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at WebCon.WorkFlow (...)