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for collection

(...) minika Stelmach Introduction The WEBCON BPS 2022 version introduces a new For each operator, which allows you to configure an action, operation, or automation for each element from the selected collection .   Fig. 1. For each operator   The operator iterates over the collection elements, which can be an item list, any data source, attachments added to the workflow instance, an (...)

(...) OneDrive. Therefore, a Microsoft Azure application should have Application permissions. Application permissions must allow both writing and reading of files.   Permissions for all site collection s One of the configuration options is to grant the application the Files.ReadWrite.All permission. It gives the application access to all site collection s, i.e. to OneDrive of all users of a give (...)

(...) JSON format generation   Once you confirm the conversion, the data are displayed in the correct format. Request body in the “JSON” format   Receiving embedded collection WEBCON BPS 2021 allows users to embed collection s. In the below-described example an API interface provided by the National Bank of Poland (NBP) is used. Table A available at http://api.nbp.pl/ (...)

(...) ERS rule. By using the BPS_ID, the rule obtains data on all members of a group (this also includes members belonging to any eventual subgroups nested within the group). The user list is returned as a collection of values, i.e. ID#Name, separated with a semicolon. To use the rule, check the Business Rule checkbox (step edition → the “Paths” tab → the “Task creation” tab (...)

(...) iciency, reliability, and optimization of an application. To address those challenges, the 2023 R1 WEBCON BPS version has introduced support for OpenTelemetry – a powerful tool that streamlines collection of diagnostic data and metrics from IT systems. This article discusses configuration of telemetry based on the OpenTelemetry standard in the WEBCON BPS system for its Portal and Service components (...)

(...) ile useful, the function has a negative impact on system efficiency due to the processing of each database table row. This process is particularly time-consuming, especially in the case of large data collection s. Additionally, the syntactical complexity of the SQL query containing the aforementioned function can make it difficult to create a correct and effecive query. To counter those problems we (...)

(...) hort, gamification is an effective technique to foster positive behaviors and achieve specific objectives in various fields. The simplest method to implement a gamification system would be the collection of points (XP) when certain activities are met in WEBCON BPS processes. One of the processes frequently used by Encorsa employees is time tracking. In time entries, employees provide details a (...)

(...) d) as a result of the action.     Remove item list row The action, as the only one described here, is available only in the context of the For each operator, where the defined collection type is Item list. The action's operation is limited to removing the current Item list row, so there is no configuration window available for it. It is possible to create action patterns based on (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2024 R1 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction The form is a critical component of WEBCON BPS, serving as a conduit for the collection of business data. A user is more likely to complete a form accurately and attentively when it is attractive, convenient, and intuitive. Version 2024 R1 introduced the ability to change the proportions of the left and right pane (...)

(...) u stumble upon this error when u make a request through the action and map the body on a field? In the body field as mentioned in the picture should be the body , the json but, is shown the type of collection ( System.collection s.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object] )

(...) t version (2021.1.3.163) on our DEV system, and wanted to prepare new functions for my processes. I had issues when trying to save a rule that included the new "select values" function to check if a collection of values from an item list is not empty. In the testing window the rule works as expected, it just wont let me save it because of invalid rule configuration. As soon as i remove select values and r (...)

(...) ion. After updating to version 2021 R3, all REST data sources configured in versions older than 2021 R1 will cease to function. Data sources configured in 2021 R1/R2 will only return columns from a collection that have been manually selected, whereas previously they would load all columns without needing to select them individually. For a data source to return columns from a collection again, unmark and (...)

(...) sManager.ConvertLoginIntoPermission(String login) at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator`2.MoveNext() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.BasePermissionsManager.FillPermisionscollection (String permissionString, IPermissionscollection collection ToFill, ConvertIntoPermission convertIntoPermission) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessTreeStructureDownloader.FillApplicat (...)

(...) .Enumerable.c__DisplayClass7_0`3.b__0(TSource x) w System.Linq.Enumerable.c__DisplayClass7_0`3.b__0(TSource x) w System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext() w System.collection s.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection ) w System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.BusinessLogic.ElementManagement.FormFields.Choose.ChooseV (...)

(...) on.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Authentication.PortalRequestHandler.ExecuteGetRequest(String path) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.PortalService.PortalService.GetUserByBpsId(String id) at System.collection s.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.GetOrAdd(TKey key, Func`2 valueFactory) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.PermissionsManager.ConvertLoginIntoPermission(String login) at System.L (...)

(...) cess anymore. Message=The given key (432) was not found in WFBusinessRuleDefinitions cache for current content database. Source=WebCon.WorkFlow.Data StackTrace= at WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Caching.collection s.WFBusinessRuleDefinitionCacheEntitycollection .ByID(Int32 id) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.BusinessRules.InlineBusinessRulesManager.Load(Int32 id) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic. (...)

(...) rsonally think the operator 'ForEach' is a great addition to version 2022.1.2.31, thanks to Webcon Team. Unfortunately I do not find any documentation on that, especially how to iterate over 'Any collection ' and access columns in custom action. If I select 'Any collection ' and put some SQL statement in there, is there a way to access specific table columns from generated table result? If I take a (...)

(...) dled exception has occurred while executing the request. | agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | href: | ex: System.collection s.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: Der angegebene Schlüssel war nicht im Wörterbuch angegeben. bei System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException() bei System.collection s.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_I (...)

(...) data I've also created another workflow (Import Agreements Data) with item list, which is populated using excel file and on entry of default path a subworkflow AR should start using action "for each" collection from the item list populate the fields in AR instance . But even if fields with values of agreements in both workflows are floating type I'm receiving the error from started subworkflow saying that d (...)

(...) Working on a project whereby there is a process to track delinquent loans and create collection activities based on ageing. We receive loan data as a daily dump in excel and new or modified rows should either fire new instances of our workflows or trigger certain paths in existing workflows.Unsure of how to go about this