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for global form rules

Applies to version: 2023 R3 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   New WEBCON BPS 2023 mobile application   The WEBCON BPS 2023 mobile application is a component of the WEBCON BPS platform designed for mobile devices. It offers flexible and convenient access to the applications published in Portal from any location, even without direct access to the company’s compu

Applies to version: 2023 R3 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   Introduction Designer Studio is a powerful programming tool often used within companies by multiple developers engaged in unrelated projects. Since access to all the extensive functionalities of Designer Studio is often not necessary when developing dedicated applications, and unauthorized access to certain asset

Applies to version: 2024 R1 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   Introduction Designing a business application is a process that requires both good memory and coordination from the people involved in it. Unfortunately, when faced with a large number of tasks, lengthy execution times, many people involved, or often all of the above, even the most capable mind must yield. To add

(...) Hi, the HTTP response for displaying a workflow instance contains all global form rules . It's ignored which kind of form rules are used by the process/element. The response should only contain those form rules which are referenced. After all, the exported process will also export the used/referenced global form rules and not all. This applies at least to versions 2023.1.2.44 and 2022.1.4.155. Moving (...)