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for log

(...) out in a start step. At a later point in time it was decided that a "save draft" path should be added which won't validate the form. Using this path failed with "unknown exception" and the diagnostic log did not contain any hint that this was related to the timeout. Everything was fine except that there was the below stack trace. There is also no error in the event log . It would be great if ther (...)

(...) I have a problem with session not ending after log ging into WEBCON system. Even after turning off computer, the webcon session continues. How to solve it? Maybe you have some tips?

(...) Hi there, For security reasons, we need to add a timeout for all user log ins such that after a couple of hours, after log in, the user will be prompted to log in again. I looked through the GlobalParameters data base and found the following (line 44 - PortalTokenSigningKey) ..."Expiration":"00:00:00","RefreshTokenExpiration":"0.00:00:00","AuthCookieExpiration":"0.00:00:00","AuthCookieSlidingExp (...)

Hi, We have trouble uploading documents to some workflows and I would like to pinpoint the issue. I can't find any relevant information in Event Viewer, any other place to check? Thank you

(...) Hi, I noticed that the webcon workflow service log s warnings almost every time I display an element with an item list on it. E.g. I opened element in the browser and the service log ged "Control not found ('SubElems_257')WFD_ID=21065". I don't have any page loading rules and there are no actions performed on this item list in the current step. It occurs in various applications and processes that I ha (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I've been trying to establish a connection to a SOAP API, action seems to be configured the right way (it only tries to connect and log in). When I run path with the action, the error is displayed in Polish "Wystąpił wewnętrzny problem wywołania webserwisu. Szczegóły błędu zostały zapisane w log u." (Internal webservice error. Details have been written in the log ). Well... the problem is (...)

(...) Hi, Blocking access based on log in. Situation related to last webconaday :). Suddenly, there was a need to block access to the webcon BPS platform for a specific user. The situation was a bit more complicated because the user could not be deactivated at the AD level. Of course, it can be done, but it requires analyzing data, ad groups, places on configuration forms where such a person can be i (...)

(...) can pick seller And now I would like to do Doc (word) template ... but I receive error message ... more/less translation from PL to EN "The source was not found, but some or all of the event log s could not be found. To create a source, you need permission to read all event log s to ensure that the new source name is unique. Unavailable log s: Security." Where to change it? Previously, wh (...)

(...) Hello, our information security office has detected a log 4j vulnerability. We currently have the log 4j-1.2.17.jar version for WebCon BPS 2023 R2 Is it possible to upload version 2.21.1 according to the article https://kb.webcon.pl/security-podatnosc-cve-2021-44228-w-apache-log 4j2/? https://log ging.apache.org/log 4j/2.x/download.html Will the new version of BPS include this type of fix?

Hello everyone. Is it possible to select all authenticated users in the portal with the date and time of authentication?

(...) Hi, We tried introducing a method that will force an inactive user to log out of the portal after 10 minutes. We found the Security configuration and changed the cookie expiration time (set it to 10 minutes). Successful log out occurred after 10 minutes. After log ging out, a log in window appears. In some cases, the user had to enter the correct log in and password several times before being able (...)

(...) Therefore it would make our live easier, if the would see the final request which is send to the server in the saved diagnostic session. This would be similar to the "Invoke rest web service" action log displayed in admin mode. Now I'm going back to see what the problem is in my case. Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hello everyone, I have a question. We are migrating Webcon to version 2023. I checked the table [dbo].[AdminAPIlog s], and since the last version in 2022, there hasn't been a single log in this table. Has anything changed in the new versions, and do I need to turn on log ging into this table somewhere? I have been looking for an answer on the Webcon website and Google, but I haven't found anythin (...)

Hi! We're stuck with an error using the Send Custom Email action with the default User or Group attribute as the Recipient, after updating from 2023.1.2.123 to 2023.1.3.118. Any tips on how to resolve this issue? Thanks, Patryk

(...) The mobile application retains the WEBCON log o at the top in the left menu even if we personalize the portal with the company log o.

(...) Below you can find the latest version of WEBCON BPS 2019 and the full changelog for it. Please note that this version is no longer supported. We apolog ize for any inconvenience caused.  (Latest build: 2019.1.4.260) As we strive to improve our software continuously, we support the program's two newest releases (WEBCON BPS 2021 and 2022). You can continue to use the fully funct (...)

(...) identifier. But they very often did not give enough information, even after clicking the button to show details from the event preview. From version 2020.1.3.277, the error description from the event log has been made available in Designer Studio, which contains much more information to help find the cause more efficiently.   Wrong configuration A simple invoice workflow has been create (...)

(...) st of them has been enhanced with the “Balance” section, visible in the upper right part which shows the user’s current account balance. The report with the status for the currently log ged in user was created, and then the “Report Tile” element was embedded on the dashboard which presents one column from the selected report.   Fig. 3. The configuration of (...)

(...) gned in the next step. Below there is a query used to select a person:   Fig. 10. The "Responsible" field is the person or group type. The SQL query returns an employee's log in to whom the task is delegated and sets them as a field value   The query returns the user’s log in (Personlog in) – the ID of employee who receives a task based on the ite (...)