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(...) ersion that should go into the URL ex: /api/data/v2.0/db/{dbId}/elements/{id} (in this case is "v2.0"). How can I find the version for my project? I have used the following examples from webcon: HTTPS ://community.webcon.com/community/public/posts/post/examples-of-using-rest-api/109#a2 HTTPS ://developer.webcon.com/docs/bps-rest-api/ HTTPS ://developer.webcon.com/docs/attachment-operations/

(...) } ] }, "bpsVersion": "2023.1.2.44" } // developer tools log JSNLogExtensions.js:40 jsnlog.defaultAjaxUrl= /api/logger authenticatedFetch.js:107 PUT HTTPS ://wbc-cosmols-dev04.cosmocloud.eu/api/substitutions/new/forOther 400 (Bad Request) T @ authenticatedFetch.js:107 (anonymous) @ authenticatedFetch.js:197 (anonymous) @ authenticatedFetch.js:204 (a (...)

(...) rocess, to avoid refilling data about workflow/form/path etc, as those are same, but I had to change attributes (different process) It would be great to have Bulk Edit possibility like in Postman (HTTPS ://i.postimg.cc/nh60WG6d/Postman.gif), to just copy/paste multiplle fields at once (maybe only in advanced editor mode) - updating them row by row have been tedious.

(...) configure a "Basic authentication" or "Token authentication" in WEBCON. Using Postman, the authentication including the queries already worked. Enclosed you can find the documentation from Jitbit: HTTPS ://www.jitbit.com/helpdesk/helpdesk-api/#/?id=helpdesk-api Could you please help me with the configuration? Many thanks in advance for your help! Marc

(...) attachments inside the document - Conditional displaying information inside the document - Using the same template from different sources using data tables. You can find more inspirations here: HTTPS ://docs.aspose.com/words/net/template-syntax/ Feature requests for this new / updated action would be: - Accessing all fields, item lists and data rows/column from the template - Joining multiple (...)

(...) Hi There are some knowledge base articles where figures are not correctly displayed e.g. HTTPS ://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-picture-form-field/32 HTTPS ://community.webcon.com/posts/post/wfelementdetails-table-description/34 and more. Could you please correct it? I tried various browsers, the results have been the same.

(...) y like the default feature, and wouldn't change it, but I've an idea that we could have an 'Selected Element Viewer' control in the Dashboard. I even prepared some PoC - you can check it out here: HTTPS ://portal.webconbps.com/db/1/app/479/dashboards/75 Selecting item from the report on left, will update the view on the right. Sometimes it requires double click, and side panel to loads so it doe (...)

(...) I checked all fix list from HTTPS ://community.webcon.com/posts/post/webcon-bps-2022-downloads/311/10 and I don't see my issue fix. Environment: 1. I have "old" WebCon 2022.1.4.84. 2. Created doc template process 3. Imported doc template 4. checked and changed all Font for Verdena 5. changed name of column in table (from list) 6. ignored few fields (from list) 7. updated template doc 8. We (...)

(...) , e.g. TEST to the specific database e.g. BPS_Content_1 The script "BPS Studio PROD Database 1.bat" could then alike below runas /user:Domain\Login "C:\...\WEBCON Designer Studio.exe -portalAddress HTTPS ://abc.xyz -databaseID or -databaseName" That feature would be helpful :) Best Regards, Dominik

(...) would like the selection box to not appear and the form to change depending on some field on the form. Is it possible? or at least change the appearance and value of the fields in the pop-up window? HTTPS ://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-change-form-type-action/289

(...) Hello, I'm trying to disable/enable fields based on the state of dropdown (using nr. 3 from this HTTPS ://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R2/Studio/Process/Attribute/Choice/Choose_field/#picker): * Allowing custom values - make fields on form enabled. * Disabled custom values - make fields on form disabled. Is there any value which i could use to check state of dropdown control? In this case i'm using a (...)

(...) Hello community, I am trying to color whole ITEM list rows with SQL query. I followed, the article HTTPS ://community.webcon.com/posts/post/coloring-the-background-of-the-item-list/195/3 but even the simplest SQL query (same than in article) generates the error (see figures enclosed). Any idea what I am doing wrong? Any example of your working SQL query for ITEM list coloring? Thank you.

(...) What I would like to have: the same functionality but add multiple lines (divided shipping ... :/ ) Item list, where I can add rows with shipping tracking link which opens I read this topic: HTTPS ://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/891 but is not clear for me ... I did the html field with script >> is working ... but, how to control that code of links and tracking_no? Extra .. after a (...)

(...) form that uses the mailto:-Tag. So in the HTML I put Message Support However, on the live form this string is appended to the Portal url's pointer to the app->form itself. Looks like this: HTTPS ://webcon.finnova.com/db/1/app/15/element/57427/%E2%80%9DMessage Support This way it prevents from opening external links. Is this by design or am I doing something wrong? I found another solut (...)

(...) lege to a group on a instance. /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbid}/elements/{id}/admin/privileges I have added App.Elements.Admin.All permission. But i get error: Invoke REST Web service - Request Url: HTTPS ://domain/api/data/v4.0/db/1/elements/2450/admin/privileges Response Code: BadRequest (400) Exceptions: Rest service call failed. Http code BadRequest (400). Inspect log to get more information. Ca (...)

(...) ocs to sign works like a breeze. BUT: checking if sent enevlopes are signed and then sending the workflow along the specified path is simply not working. I followed the docs according to this: HTTPS ://community.webcon.com/posts/post/docusign-digital-signatures-in-webcon-bps/36 I do get the following error(s): WebCon.WorkFlow.Model.Common.WorkFlowException: Plugin 13 load error.: Object (...)

(...) formation security office has detected a log4j vulnerability. We currently have the log4j-1.2.17.jar version for WebCon BPS 2023 R2 Is it possible to upload version 2.21.1 according to the article HTTPS ://kb.webcon.pl/security-podatnosc-cve-2021-44228-w-apache-log4j2/? HTTPS ://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/download.html Will the new version of BPS include this type of fix?

(...) un the action i get : Invalid cell name If i try to map to: Sheet1!A1 I don't get error but also I only get the first value from the item list, so obvious I need a table. I also checked this link: HTTPS ://community.webcon.com/community/public/posts/post/item-list-actions/10 If anyone have any idea what am I missing, please leave your suggestions. Best regards

(...) Dear Community, Microsoft recently announced that the new default font for Microsoft 365 applications is changing from Calibri to Aptos: HTTPS ://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/office/new-office-theme-e7bbfe02-d1fb-4c4d-b3b7-6a47f0cefd3f If you already have this font on your device, give it a try in WEBCON BPS. In my opinion, it looks really good in WEBCON BPS Portal. If you want to test it, just (...)

Hello Everyone, Recently, we upgraded Webcon from 2021 version to 2022 version. New version 2022.1.4.326. I have this html content in one of HTML field in Webcon: the purpose of this is to run bussinessRule. But in new version it looks like there is no uxContext function executeBusinessRule(ruleId, ruleName, uxContext, params) { let formModel; let formInfo; win