(...) down” item list: Fig. 5. The red icon of the tools to signa that the configuration has been overwritten By clicking on the tools icon, a configuration panel of the AD vanced settings will open (Fig. 6). Fig. 6. AD vanced settings for the item list In the “General” tab you can overwrite the following settings: Visibilit (...)
(...) urs when the statistics will be updated (it is recommended to set the update outside of working hours). Fig. 2. The Schedules configuration After saving the settings, loAD the configuration. Go to the in the service configuration and click the “LoAD configuration” button. Fig. 3. LoAD configuration Workflow configuration Th (...)
(...) orm Mass acceptation Let’s create a report with instances from the Acceptation step. Fig. 3. The report configuration - source In the Columns tab, AD d the [System] “Step” column: Fig. 4. The report configuration - columns 1 – Mass actions tab 2 – AD ding a new mass action button 3 – (...)
(...) several PDFs into one Generating Excel based on the SQL query Creating/deleting SharePoint groups based on the query Changing the form type Settlement of business trips To uploAD a plugin package to Designer Studio: 1. Go to Plugin packages section 2. Click New package 3. Use UploAD button 4. The name is automatically set Fig. 1. AD ding (...)
(...) that uniquely identifies each workflow instance, and it is created when the instance is first saved. This number will always refer to the same instance and there is no option to change them, even by AD ministrators. A properly configured structure of the instance number facilitates searching for instances (without knowing their ID number) and viewing reports. This article describes the (...)
(...) ed on a template that inserts data from the system (e.g. data from the workflow instance that caused the file to be created) and also convert them to PDF (if necessary). To do this, you need our Word AD d-in to be downloAD ed from WEBCON BPS Portal. For more information about Word AD d-in see: WEBCON BPS AD d-in for MS Word. The next step is to connect this (...)
(...) Applies to version 2019.1; author: KonrAD Wojtycza Introduction The article describes the use of “Change value single field” and “Change values of multiple fields” actions on the example of the business scenario of the settlement of business trips. These actions allow you to update the value of the single form field or many form fields at the same time (...)
(...) Applies to version 2019.1; author: KonrAD Wojtycza Introduction AD ding a button to the form The “Registration of purchase order” workflow AD ding the form rule triggered on a button “MoveToNextStep” form rule invoke “InvokeMenuAction” form rule invoke “InvokeRule” form rule invoke “Startelement/OpenElement” f (...)
(...) rsions of documents and replacing standard signatures with their digital version. This article describes the new Handwritten signature form field (available from version 2019.1.4.) that allows you to AD d your handwritten signature directly on the form. Description The Handwritten signature form field is available for the Modern form in both standard web browsers and browsers with An (...)
(...) Applies to version 2019.1; author: KonrAD Wojtycza The “Suggested” report allows you to quickly find the searched instance based on its current status and form field describing it. It displays all instances that have been updated or created in the last year that the user (currently vieving the portal) has access to. Fig. 1 presents the “Suggested” rep (...)
(...) on 2023, translations are available from the WEBCON BPS Portal interface and WEBCON BPS Translation Tool can be used for older versions only. With the ‘as is’ license, WEBCON AD ditionally provides an external tool, which exports all translatable phrases from a process to an Excel spreAD sheet. This spreAD sheet contains AD ditional columns, named after the languages defined in (...)
(...) the country value Country code (text) – automatically filled in the country code Is Poland (checkbox) – automatically filled in the true or false value Fig. 1. The AD vanced configuration of the Picker field In the “Country” field select that the “Description” column will fill in the “Country code” field. Then, when (...)
(...) n of steps WFStepForms – the configuration of the form types on the individual steps and workflows WFStepFormFields – information about requirements and editability of form fields and AD ditional configuration settings on the individual forms WFStepFormFieldDetails – it describes information about requirements and editability of item list columns on the individual forms WFAv (...)
(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: KonrAD Wojtycza In WEBCON BPS you have the ability of changing the format of displayed form fields – “Date and time” and “Floating-point number” type. The format of displaying these fields also depends on the browser time zone settings and the selected WEBCON BPS system language. Date format depending on (...)
(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: KonrAD Wojtycza Introduction In WEBCON BPS data stored e.g. in the external database can be retrieved and displayed by: Defining data connection and SQL query Creating a data source and using filters This article describes both approaches to use data in WEBCON BPS, differences between them, and problems of their configuration. (...)
(...) article. Introduction HTML form fields are available since WEBCON BPS 2020.1.3. version - they allow you to use all HTML language tag. The HTML form field can be defined as AD ding a custom HTML code to the standard code of the WEBCON BPS form. The best solution is to use this form field with the new form rules in JavaScript mode. After AD ding a new HTML form field, en (...)
(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Franciszek Sakławski Introduction Apart from standard options for AD ding users to the system, such as synchronization with AD or/and AAD , WEBCON BPS allows you to manually AD d a user. All users AD ded in this way can log in to the system via BPS Auth., be granted privileges, and can be assigned tasks in the system. To save time, you can use (...)
(...) article. Introduction HTML form fields are available since WEBCON BPS 2020.1.3. version - they allow you to use all HTML language tag. The HTML form field can be defined as AD ding a custom HTML code to the standard code of the WEBCON BPS form. This article describes the JavaScript functions that are available for item lists in the HTML form field configuration. (...)
(...) assic interface to BPS Modern and breaking all references to SharePoint will make sure that the application continues to work after the databases have been transferred to the StandAlone installation. AD ditionally, during the change, you can refactor the implemented applications by facilitating the configuration or completing the process documentation. 4. Preparing new servers for WEBCO (...)
(...) tion One of the functionalities in WEBCON BPS system is the ability of using the REST API interface. API is the basic method of data exchange between two systems and it is often used both to downloAD data and transfer it from WEBCON BPS to other applications (e.g. data transfer to the vacation system). For more information about examples of using API see Examples of using REST API. This articl (...)