(...) ones. There could be an action that would mark a task as postponed and another one marking as normal. I know that this can be achieved with a variable and grouping, but users like the task circles widGET :)
(...) unc`2 elementSelector, IEqualityComparer`1 comparer) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Caching.Collections.AttributeDocTypeAssocCacheEntityCollection.b__6_0() w WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Caching.LazyEx`1.GET _Value() w WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Caching.Collections.AttributeDocTypeAssocCacheEntityCollection.TryGET ByAssociation(Int32 dtypeId, Int32 wfconId) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.Att (...)
(...) the constant would show a context menu with all constants in this group (2). This was similar to the one which is displayed if you right click on the choose field to switch from ID to Name. Can we GET it back please. :) Best regards, Daniel
(...) Is it possible to GET an email notification when somebody is posting a comment without pressing any "move to next path buttons"? In the screenshot the yellow area.
(...) o hook into an api that is hosted on a localhost? I have a locally fired server, I use FastAPI (the tool is built in python). In browsers the API works. However, when I try to run a query on a form I GET this message. I have already tried restarting DNS, disabling the firewall. The server is on startup and the server is listening on port 8000. I am new to webcon and just learning. Thank you in advan (...)
(...) are always opened immediately in processing mode. I would like to set it so that editing has to be started manually. The problem is, that users open the entry and just want to read it and then forGET to cancel the editing. This means the complaint remains in processing mode and cannot be processed by other users. Where can I find the settings for this in the backend, since it obviously has to (...)
(...) tegory file: UploadFile = File(...) --------------------- @app.post("/pdf_text") async def pdf_text(item: PDFItem = Depends(pdf_item_form)) -> dict[int, dict[str, str]]: pdf_text = GET _text_from_pdf(item.file.file) logger.info(f"Extracted text for PDF item with id: {item.id}") return {item.id: {"text": pdf_text}} -------------------- def pdf_item_form( id: (...)
(...) it already or maybe someone else. If selecting a value of a choose field from a data source throws and this causes an error, it's not easily possible to see the actual "request" which was used to GET the data. There are ways around this: - In case of SQL and you have access to the server you could activate the SQL profiler - In case of rest/soap requests you could add an http interceptor which (...)
(...) Hey, anyone have any idea why the problem appeared? Version installation: current -> 2023.1.3.76 tarGET -> 2023.1.3.118 In changelogs there was information about changes as to the columns in the AdminWFEventLogs table. Last query from profiler: IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE Name = N'WEL_Details_Deprecated' AND Object_ID = Object_ID(N'dbo.[AdminWFEventLogs]')) (...)
(...) So this application is incredible... without words how much it can GET on your nerves!
(...) ng-with-onedrive-files/341/18 But this is explaining on how to configure using MS Graph and Rest API. However, in the connections area, there's one specific for Onedrive but I'm not sure on how to GET the details for the configuration. Thank you
(...) (Invoice) a had an action that download using Rest Api information about working time of employee. Using this data, system fill table with invoice items (eg. cost allocation ). But in this version i GET error that: "No exact match was found for:..." ("Nie znaleziono dokładnego dopasowania:...") for attribute Choice field. In previous version this work fine. And there is no pattern in this action be (...)
(...) er here; just started reading about it). I most definetely need to use the CAML query since there can be more than one document that needs deleting but i am also curios about that ID. Where can i GET that ID from? I tried testing with the Document ID found in SharePint, at info, but got an error ('Cannot convert "{0}" to correct (integer) value of deleted element ID'). If i use 1 it gives back 'T (...)
(...) Hi is there a way to GET from the database all the permissions to all the reports that we have ? I was not able to find any column with that information and I do not know how to GET such info
(...) partment starts one Workflow that creates subworkflows for several other departments. The main Workflow should be able to see the current status/step of every subworkflow. But with what I did, I am GET ting 2 Errors [Form] "Failed with an unknown exception Fehler-ID: d1a18cc6-c67d-43bb-b883-66e3584445e9" [] "during saga execution: Failed with an unknown exception". See the attachment for a pictur (...)
(...) ulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) bei System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData() bei System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GET _MetaData() bei System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString, Boolean isInternal, Boolean forDescribeParameterEncryptio (...)
(...) Hello, on my test instance the WebCon BPS service restarts. On average every 3 minutes. I GET messages like below. Have any of you encountered this type of problem? The WebCon WorkFlow Service service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 107 time(s). The following corrective action will be taken in 60000 milliseconds: Restart the service. == Failed to activate some modules Category: Ac (...)
(...) also used this in 2021 version, but it generates error: Method not found: 'WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Documents.Model.Base.ReadOnlyEntitiesCollection`1 WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Documents.Model.NewDocumentData.GET _TextFields()'. System.MissingMethodException at WebCon.SRC.CustomActions.ADEmployeeSID.Run(RunCustomActionParams args) at WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.ActionPlugins.CustomAction`1.WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.In (...)
(...) need to set up two columns to calculate some KPIs for a report. The first one will show the status based on Case statement and date difference: (select case when DATEDIFF(day,WFD_AttDateTime3,GET date()) >0 then 0 when DATEDIFF(day,WFD_AttDateTime3,GET date()) = 0 then 1 else 2 end) The second column should pick the number of instances that have the conditions DATEDIFF(day,WFD_AttDateT (...)
(...) declare l_out NUMBER; begin ZZ_WEBCON_TEST.TEST_PROCEDURE(P_IN => {BRP:21}, X_OUT => l_out); end; where {BRP:21} is a Business Rule decimal parameter. The Rule is working, Oracle procedure GET s executed (witness on Oracle db) and most probably returns l_out. My question is: how do I GET the l_out value? Tried another Rule parameter but query not working any longer. Thank you, Mihail