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(...) nd.EndExecuteReaderAsync(IAsyncResult asyncResult) bei System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1.FromAsyncCoreLogic(IAsyncResult iar, Func`2 endFunction, Action`1 endAction, Task`1 promise, Boolean reqUI resSynchronization) --- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde --- bei System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() bei Syste (...)

(...) Hello, I have a question more about the Polish side of the forum. There is a regulation available in the Journal of Laws that specifies the reqUI rements for storing employee documentation as well as the method of transferring it between IT systems. Has WebCon BPS been audited in this respect and do we know whether it meets the reqUI rements set out in the regulation? https://isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap. (...)

(...) I would like to create messages in Teams channels and 1:1 chats automatically through WEBCON. Unfortunately, I get the error that delegated permissions and no application permissions are reqUI red for sending (intended for migration purposes only). I have already implemented the connection using MS Graph and the associated application permission as follows: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post (...)

(...) ). What does not seem to work is the filtering on user input. Query seems to be evaluated all the time, showing ALL results regardless of user input. Is there any other way to achieve such a reqUI rement? Thanks a lot in advance, best regards, Nik

(...) we find a version number in .bpe package? First let's start with extracting it. Did you know that .bpe is just zipped file? ;) Change that .bpe extension to .zip, and use any tool like 7zip, or bUI lt in windows features. Inside you will find a file without any extension - it is a text file, especially xml - open it up with any text editor, and search form PackageVersion node (see attachment) (...)

(...) I need to change 2 values with REST, I use'd API v3 and PATCH method. This values is in another workflow. JSON [ { "data": { "gUI d": "3567e810-6f44-41e5-9ac3-794d6e055db1", "value": "2024-05-27T14:02:26" }, "wynik": { "gUI d": "56e078eb-dc11-4960-a662-3974f0f837da", "value": "Ryzyko niskie" } } ] In other workflow history I have only (...)

(...) dates, which is time-consuming and disrupts their workflow. Feature Request: ISO Week Number Display: Include ISO week numbers (ISO-8601) in the date picker interface. This will allow users to qUI ckly identify the week number alongside the date.

(...) est post on AAD from 2021, and only one request for help with EntraID... Nobody seems to have a problem with this? Or maybe no one uses WebCon without local domains? Impossible! So... How to bUI ld WebCon BPS with EntraID as the only source of identity? I have some ideas for preparing some business processes in a cloud environment (Azure) that will never have access to classic domain control (...)

(...) 2 level tree childrens are leafs, they can't be parents. On those children forms, there are validation rules, which depends on data from the parent form, and a path [Validate] which checks for reqUI red fields. To make sure that children forms are filled properly - when I'm moving the parent form to further steps I'm invoking that [Validate] path on all childrens to make sure, that data is fille (...)

(...) x this is to change the column back to something accepted, like single line, and then you can delete the column and then change it to data row in order to keep your report. In this case the error GUI D will show: "...Invalid column name 'SEL_SQLRow'." version: 2023.1.3.169, but I don't think the version matters. I hope we get the option, at some point, to manually remove such column from your (...)

(...) Hello, In many places we are able to create Process Business Rule from rule typed in a field (visibility, reqUI red, and many others). Similarly with form rules. I have a case, where i need to use same mail that is already being used, but to different people. (exactly 12 contents). Right now it reqUI res manual creation of templates by copy-pasting them from action into e-mail template. Could (...)

(...) ll a REST API to store the "notification" in an external system. I'm aware that this is not at least supported at the moment and you can achieve this already with the current options, but it reqUI res a dedicated implementation for each mail instead of a general approach. It may also be a stupid idea and I only came up with it as I'm also a developer at heart who tends to abstract more than (...)

(...) Hi, I need your help. The topic is actually qUI te simple, but unfortunately I have a problem with this one process. I start a new parallel subworkflow in an action (ID is saved in a technical field), which I want to update later. In the action "Update related workflow instance" we get the message for the users: Incorrect instance ID: ''. When we execute this workflow, the ID is found and th (...)

(...) Hello all, Does anyone configured an action for Document signatures using the bUI lt-in action for Sign an Attachment with CoSign? I'm not sure how to establish the SOAP Url and login. I thought that selecting the attachment, the user would be prompt to login in DocuSign page and sign the document. Thank you

(...) olumn. With SQL like this: ( SELECT dbo.ClearWFElem(WFD_AttChoose2) /* Customer */ FROM WFElements JOIN WFSteps ON WFD_STPID = STP_ID JOIN WorkFlows ON WF_ID = STP_WFID WHERE WF_GUI D = 'af556142-7ad9-44e1-9xy2-550c2cxz361cf' AND /* GUI D WF Order */ WFD_ID = wfelems.WFD_AttChoose5_ID /* Field Order Relation */ ) This works pretty good, although i can't get a grasp how to m (...)

(...) Hi, so there is a new version of Autenti plugin, also working with Webcon 2023. There are new configuration fields/options: Signature Type (ReqUI red) SMS authentication Unlock document by SMS Is there ANY documentation regarding options for those fields? Experimenting, I discover that Signature Type must be numeric, and: 0 means Autenti signature 1 means qualified electronic sig (...)

(...) Hi. adding users to groups causes an update of the user properties which downloads objects from Azure AD. Depending on the environment it can take qUI te a long time. - (7/2/2024 2:33:46 PM) Step started: Download selected objects from Azure AD if reqUI red - (7/2/2024 2:35:44 PM) Step completed: Download selected objects from Azure AD if reqUI red (duration: 118687 ms) While this is not (...)

(...) t after refreshing a few times it gets disconnected. How can we resolve this issue? We have already set the TCP inbound rule to 8002. The system time is correct. OS: Windows Server 2016 1607 bUI ld 14393.7070 windows service log: Faulting application name: WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.exe, version: 2023.1.3.202, time stamp: 0x8e09a86d Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 10.0.14393.7070, (...)

(...) Hi, it would really be great to add support for the hyperlink action on the attachment menu. The only additional thing which would be reqUI red is the id of the current attachment. The hyperlink action supports executing JavaScript and one use case would be to trigger the print dialog without opening the preview. While this is one there may be other use cases which is the reason why I don't r (...)

(...) queries, and maybe a VSCode / Notepad++ for some powershell - all of those support autocompletion (which in most cases of recent software is supported by language server protocol). Could we get a bUI lt in autocompletion for custom business rules inside Designer Studio? I'm leaving 2 examples of how autocompletion works in Azure Data Studio, and leaving one additional concept what kind of autocom (...)