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for application server

Hi all! Maybe this is a know issue, but we are wondering at the moment if it is possible to import an exported application package to a Webcon installation with a different version. We currently have an exported application package (.bpe) from version 2021.1.3.205. We are planning to use cloud services from Webcon which is supposed to be the latest version (which currently is 2021.1.4.55). Is

Hi community! We have 2 Webcon farms (DEV/TEST/PROD) with the same application (6 servers in total). Our deployment chain is from Farm1 (DEV), which is the application source to all other servers. We have defined a global constant for Portal Url, which is used in whole application (for redirects and so on). This scenario works fine on one farm. Is it possible to find out within

After installing a new development environment, I have a problem with performing an SQL query to the BPS_Config database. The environment was installed with my administrative account. From the database level, I can also see that the users of the service and the application pool (db owner) have permissions to the database. The application pool is the account indicated in the installer as the user t

(...) er Studio, and from the BPS Portal level, after authentication, the login window pops up again. Has anyone encountered a similar problem? I will add that I restarted the WebCon service, restarted the application server and IIS. When restoring the server from a backup, authentication works. I upgraded again (authentication stopped working) -> I just uninstalled Portabl BPS and reinstalled (http only). Authentica (...)

I have just installed a new instance of webcon. On the first screen Authentication in the portal, when I enter the admin password, the application clears the password field and nothing happens. There is the same reaction as when I do it through the browser. I enter the correct password, because if I enter it incorrectly, I get a message about it. When I do it locally on the server via the l

(...) Hello, is there a guide on how to move both databases and the portal to new servers? I tried to backup the databases, restore them on new database server and then perform upgrade on the new application server , but the installation fails when connecting to the Search Server: 06-02-2025 19:02:51 msg: Step2 src: Upgrade 06-02-2025 19:02:55 msg: Sql version: 14.0.3480.1 src: SqlServerVersionChecker 06-02-2025 (...)

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